Posts with «autonomous» label

Ebay-bot (my version of the start here robot)

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What does it do?

Avoid obstacles

This is my version of the "start here" robot. For me this was a programming exercise. I had written an obstacle avoiding sketch for my Rover 5. It worked but I was never really happy with it. Most code that I've seen online uses lots of delays in the code. Some time ago I swore to myself to never use the delay function in void loop ever again. There are various reasons for it, once you start writing more advanced code the delay function can cause lots of trouble. I also use a library (RF24network) in another project where I can not use the delay function.

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Global Domination Robot (GDR) Mk 2

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What does it do?

Navigates around via ultrasound, moves turret and fires "Death Ray" at targets

Here is the GDR Mk 2. I've recycled the parts from the GDR Mk 1 and made some additions/upgrades:

- Built a body for the robot out of a couple of storage boxes

- Added a 2 POF Turret to the top

- attached a laser pointer to the turret and programmed it to aim and fire

- split the power so there is now dedicated power to the motors.


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Light Seeking Car (Moth Car)

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What does it do?

Navigate around according to ambient light

Let me introduce you to my Moth Car! The Moth Car is made from the chassis of an old RC car I found out in the shed. Forgotten and deteriorating away I decided to give it a new life.

I carefully de-soldered the wires from the battery pack and DC motors and kept the receiver for another day. Using the Adafruit motor shield for the Arduino Uno I connected the cables. Making sure that everything was connected properly and operational I uploaded some test code and thankfully it all worked.

Cost to build

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Mazie V2

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What does it do?

solves line mazes

Hi all,

I posted my maze solving robot Mazie V1 a few months ago. While Mazie V1 worked, she was very slow and lumbering, so I have decided to make an upgraded version with a smaller chassis and faster motors.

So far I have built the chassis and soldered the main circuit to drive the motors. I still need to connect the line sensors, and of course write the program. Hopefully this will not take too long as I can just modify my original maze solving program to to work with the faster motors.

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Hornby, the line follower

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What does it do?

Line Follower


Cost to build


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Time to build

20 hours


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What does it do?

Navigates via four HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors


Meduino Nano microcontroller

TB6612FNG motor driver on carrier board

Four HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors

i2c serial LCD display - 16X2

1 TI MSP430 Launchpad box

1 TI Stellaris Launchpad box

Tamiya twin motor gearbox

Tamiya truck tires

Tamiya ball caster Power switch

IDE ribbon cable

2 430 contact breadboards

AA battery pack

9V battery connector

Zip ties


You can read more at my blog:

Cost to build


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Finished project


Time to build

5 hours



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907 grams


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What does it do?

Obstacle avoidance, smells good & won't sweat!

This is BrutBot.

He is my first robot and is based on the Arduino UNO with the Adafruit motor shield and a Parallax ping))) sensor.  I started with a "start here" kit but grew impatient with fried picaxe chips and infrared sensors, so I decided to try Arduino with an ultrasonic sensor instead.  

Cost to build


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Time to build

5 hours


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350 grams

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Small Quadruped Robot

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What does it do?

Navigate around via ultrasound

Hi, I'm new to LMR as a member. But I've been browsing around LMR to learn robotics. First, sorry for my bad English. I finished making my quadruped robot a couple weeks ago. It was my first robotic project using microcontroller. In fact, it was my first microcontroller project. Unfortunately it wasn't well documented during the making process since I didn't plan to publish it before. :( So here is what I can collect from scattered file in my PC..



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What does it do?

Navigates around the room detecting obstacles and avoiding them.

I got this book for my Kindle over amazon Insectronics: Build Your Own Walking Robot and decided for this to be my first robot project. As i have been dealing with arduino for some time now but mostly building advanced outdoor sensor networks using long range RF. The book has it all from cutting the parts to programming the PIC they used to control the robot. I made a arduino version since i have a lot of arduinos at home.

Future addons:

- Use a arduino nano with a homemade servo shield to downsize the electronics

Cost to build


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Time to build

48 hours



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What does it do?

follow wall/avoid obstacles


We are building this robot with my friend. It is (when finalized) supposed to be able to detect metal objects and interact with them (move them, ideally...). So far it has only two IR sensors for obstacle detection, so no metal detection.


Cost to build

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