Posts with «breakout» label

Pocket Computer Reminds Us of PDAs

Before smartphones exploded on the scene in the late 00s, there was still a reasonable demand for pocket-sized computers that could do relatively simple computing tasks. Palm Pilots and other PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) were all the rage in the ’90s and early ’00s, although for cutting-edge tech from that era plenty of these devices had astronomical price tags. This Arduino-based PDA hearkens back to that era, albeit with a much more accessible parts list.

The build is based around an Arudino Nano with an OLED screen and has the five necessary functions for a PDA: calculator, stopwatch, games, phonebook, and a calendar. With all of these components on such a small microcontroller, memory quickly became an issue when using the default libraries. [Danko] uses his own custom libraries in order to make the best use of memory which are all available on the project’s GitHub page. The build also includes a custom PCB to keep the entire pocket computer pocket-sized.

There are some other features packed into this tiny build as well, like the breakout game that can be played with a potentiometer. It’s an impressive build that makes as much use of the microcontroller’s capabilities as is possible, and if you enjoy projects where a microcontroller is used as if it is a PC take a look at this Arduino build with its own command-line interface.

Hack a Day 23 Jun 21:00

Save Some Steps with this Arduino Rapid Design Board

We’re all familiar with the wide variety of Arduino development boards available these days, and we see project after project wired up on a Nano or an Uno. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course, but there comes a point where some hobbyists want to move beyond plugging wires into header sockets and build the microcontroller right into their project. That’s when one generally learns that development boards do a lot more than break the microcontroller lines out to headers, and that rolling your own design means including all that supporting circuitry.

To make that transition easier, [Sean Hodgins] has come up with a simple Arduino-compatible module that can be soldered right to a PCB. Dubbed the “HCC Mod” for the plated half-circle castellations that allows for easy soldering, the module is based on the Atmel SAMD21 microcontroller. With 16 GPIO lines, six ADCs, an onboard 3.3 V regulator, and a reset button, the module has everything needed to get started — just design a PCB with the right pad layout, solder it on, and surround it with your circuitry. Programming is done in the familiar Arduino IDE so you can get up and running quickly. [Sean] has a Kickstarter going for the modules, but he’s also releasing it as open source so you’re free to solder up your own like he does in the video below.

It’s certainly not the first dev module that can be directly soldered to a PCB, but we like the design and can see how it would simplify designs. [Sean] as shown us a lot of builds before, like this army of neural net robots, so he’ll no doubt put these modules to good use.

MMA7455L Three Axis Digital Output Accelerometer



This module integrates the sensor MMA7455L (produced by Freescale), able to detect the movement on three axes, and then in every direction. The chip offers the possibility to select three different sensitivity (± 2g, ± 4g, ± 8g) and makes available, on an SPI bus and the I ² C-Bus, the data detected by allowing a more easily read by a microcontroller. There are also two programmable interrupt lines to communicate a certain event, or to perform one or more actions when it detects a certain acceleration or when the module is stopped.

The accelerometer connections are carried out on a male strip pitch 2.54 mm, seven contacts, which allows the insertion in any dip socket, female strip or directly on the printed circuit. The module, powered with a DC voltage of 2.5 to 3.6 V, is suitable for be used in all systems that require the detection of movement, acceleration, such as an alarm systems for vehicle, laboratory analytical instruments, electrical equipment, machinery test and robots.

The module has extremely compact dimensions (10x18x3, 6mm).

Before using this module is necessary to establish (through jumper J1) which must be the voltage applied to pin VIO (Digital Power for I/O pads), levels of the I / O interface must be the same of micro. If the voltage applied between the pin + and – of the module is the same as the interface device is necessary to close J1, while if it is different (for example because the micro operates at 5V) the jumper must be open and the line VIO must be connects to the same supply voltage of the microcontroller. The I ² C-Bus module is assigned to 00111011. For more information on the chip MMA7455L consult the datasheet from the Internet site

To show the operation of the module I made a little demo with Arduino.

The connection to the microcontroller is very simple and the pin-out allows you to insert the module in the 6-pin for the analog inputs.
The low absorption permit to use the input pin A0 as level of communicationis (VIO) brought it to a high logic level (5V), while the pin A1 is set to 0, the mass for the MMA7455L.
The main supply voltage is provide from 3.3 V by Arduino.

Thanks to the library Wire.h pin A4 and A5 are used to communicate directly with the module.
The communication is very simple thank the library MMA_7455.h developed by Moritz Kemper.

// Example which uses the MMA_7455 library
// Moritz Kemper, IAD Physical Computing Lab
// ZHdK, 20/11/2011

//Modified by Boris Landoni

#include <Wire.h> //Include the Wire library
#include <MMA_7455.h> //Include the MMA_7455 library

const int vcc =  A0;
const int gnd =  A1; 

MMA_7455 mySensor = MMA_7455(); //Make an instance of MMA_7455

char xVal, yVal, zVal; //Variables for the values from the sensor
float x, y, z;

void setup()
  pinMode(gnd, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(vcc, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(gnd, LOW);
  digitalWrite(vcc, HIGH);
  delay (1000);


  // Set the sensitivity you want to use
  // 2 = 2g, 4 = 4g, 8 = 8g
  // Calibrate the Offset, that values corespond in
  // flat position to: xVal = -30, yVal = -20, zVal = +20
  // !!!Activate this after having the first values read out!!!
  mySensor.calibrateOffset(0, 0, 0);


void loop()
  long start = micros();
  //xVal = mySensor.readAxis('x'); //Read out the 'x' Axis
  //yVal = mySensor.readAxis('y'); //Read out the 'y' Axis
  //zVal = mySensor.readAxis('z'); //Read out the 'z' Axis
 /* Serial.print("x: ");
  Serial.print(xVal*0.016, 2);
  Serial.print("\t y: ");
  Serial.print(yVal*0.016, 2);
  Serial.print("\t z: ");
  Serial.println(zVal*0.016, 2);

  Serial.print("x: ");
  Serial.print("\t y: ");
  Serial.print("\t z: ");
  Serial.print("\t summ: ");
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
    int inByte =;
      if (inByte==0x01){
        Serial.print( average(5,'x')); //Serial.print( "\t" );
        Serial.print( average(5,'y')); //Serial.print( "\t" );
        Serial.print( average(5,'z')); //Serial.print( "\t" );
    //Serial.print( micros() - start ); Serial.println();

char average(int num, char axis){
  long tot=0;
  char val;
  for (int i=1; i<=num; i++){
    tot += val;
   //Serial.print( val,DEC );Serial.print( " " );
  //Serial.println( val );



The software written in Processing By IAN allows you to immediately verify the correct operation of Freescale chip. A cube will rotate like the movements of the sensor.
The applications of this sensor are different and I will show you just developed.

//This example reads in a single byte value from 0 to 255 and graphs it.

//Basic serial communication code
//by Chang Soo Lee
//Created 11/27/2005

//Modified by Boris Landoni

import processing.serial.*;
Serial myPort;
int serial = 1;
byte s8=1, x8=0, y8=0, z8=0, cnt=0;
PFont font;
int numH = 370;  

// This will contain the pixels used to calculate the fire effect
int[][] fire;

// Flame colors
color[] palette;
float angle;
int[] calc1,calc2,calc3,calc4,calc5;

PGraphics pg;

void setup () {
    size(1500, 1000, P2D);

  // Create buffered image for 3d cube
  pg = createGraphics(width, height, P3D);

  calc1 = new int[width];
  calc3 = new int[width];
  calc4 = new int[width];
  calc2 = new int[height];
  calc5 = new int[height];


  fire = new int[width][height];
  palette = new color[255];

  // Generate the palette
  for(int x = 0; x < palette.length; x++) {
    //Hue goes from 0 to 85: red to yellow
    //Saturation is always the maximum: 255
    //Lightness is 0..255 for x=0..128, and 255 for x=128..255
    palette[x] = color(x/3, 255, constrain(x*3, 0, 255));


  // Precalculate which pixel values to add during animation loop
  // this speeds up the effect by 10fps
  for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
    calc1[x] = x % width;
    calc3[x] = (x - 1 + width) % width;
    calc4[x] = (x + 1) % width;

  for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    calc2[y] = (y + 1) % height;
    calc5[y] = (y + 2) % height;

  //size(270, 440);
  myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[15], 9600);
  // Load the font. Fonts must be placed within the data
  // directory of your sketch. Use Tools > Create Font
  // to create a distributable bitmap font.
  // For vector fonts, use the createFont() function.
  //font = loadFont("ArialMT-48.vlw");


void draw () {
  if (myPort.available() > 0) {
    serial = (;
    switch(cnt) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
      case 2:
        //rect(120,numH-serial, 20, serial);
  angle = angle + 0.05;

  // Rotating wireframe cube
  pg.translate(width >> 1, height >> 1);


  int counter = 0;
    // Do the fire calculations for every pixel, from top to bottom
  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      // Add pixel values around current pixel

      fire[x][y] =
          + fire[calc1[x]][calc2[y]]
          + fire[calc4[x]][calc2[y]]
          + fire[calc1[x]][calc5[y]]) << 5) / 129; 

      // Output everything to screen using our palette colors
      pixels[counter] = palette[fire[x][y]];

      // Extract the red value using right shift and bit mask
      // equivalent of red(pg.pixels[x+y*w])
      if ((pg.pixels[counter++] >> 16 & 0xFF) == 128) {
        // Only map 3D cube 'lit' pixels onto fire array needed for next frame
        fire[x][y] = 128;


void serialEvent(){

  //textFont(font, 11);
  text("Analog Input", 95, 390);


  println(x8+" "+y8+" "+z8);

  rect(100,270, 20, x8);
  rect(140,270, 20, y8);
  rect(180,270, 20, z8);
