Posts with «arduino ide» label

Share your sketches on the Arduino Web Editor

Announced back at Maker Faire Bay Area, the Arduino Web Editor is a new online tool that enables users to write code and upload sketches to any Arduino or Genuino board directly from the browser. 

Over the last couple of months, we have been gathering feedback from beta testers on the Editor’s overall experience, its features, and what they’d like to see in the future. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can gain access to the Web Editor right away and try it out firsthand!

Wondering what makes the new platform more useful and feature-rich than its previous version? The most interesting upgrade is surely the ability to share what you make. Every sketch you create has a unique URL, similarly to Google Docs. If you give the URL to someone, they will be able to see your code, add it to their Sketchbook in the Cloud or download it. If you write a tutorial on Project Hub and add the link in the Software section, your code will be embedded and will always be up-to-date.

We envision the Arduino Sketch as the unit that includes everything you need to bring an idea to life. When someone shares a sketch with you, you’ll now have access both to the code, the layout for the electronics, and the full tutorial (when available). This will allow you to have all the necessary information to build on top of the original project, making it your own.

Arduino Web Editor is designed to take the headache out of the development process: your Sketchbook is in the Cloud, available from any device and backed up. Simply save a .ZIP file of your local one and import it in a click.Meaning, you don’t need to install any additional cores for Arduino and Genuino boards, just install a simple agent, plug your board in and we’ll set it up for you.

We made the Serial Monitor pretty robust, and of course, you can finally enjoy a dark theme for your IDE.

We are currently working on the Library Manager (as you have on the Desktop IDE), and a ‘secret tab’ where you will be able to store all your sensitive data and share them safely. At the moment, all the sketches you create on the Arduino Web Editor are public–anyone with the link can access them. We are also developing a private sketch feature–more on that soon.

Interested in learning more? Sign up today and participate in shaping the next generation of Arduino tools!

Otto - build you own robot in two hours!

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What does it do?

Otto walks, dances, makes sounds and avoids obstacles, is completely open source, Arduino compatible, 3D printable, and with a social impact mission to create an inclusive environment for all kids.

Otto was inspired by another robot instructable BoB the BiPed and programmed using code from another open source biped robot called Zowi.


Otto's differences are in the assembled size (11cm x 7cm x12cm), cleaner integration of components and expressions.

Cost to build

$49, 00

Embedded video

Finished project



Time to build

2 hours


URL to more information


250 grams

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New Project: Minecraft Activated Arduino Alarm

You’ve amassed a small fortune in diamonds, wood, coal, iron, food, and the other resources you need. You’ve spent hours building the perfect Minecraft fortress to stockpile your goods. But who will watch your stash while you’re on another server? In this project guide, you’ll learn to use Arduino coding […]

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New Project: Minecraft Activated Arduino Alarm

You’ve amassed a small fortune in diamonds, wood, coal, iron, food, and the other resources you need. You’ve spent hours building the perfect Minecraft fortress to stockpile your goods. But who will watch your stash while you’re on another server? In this project guide, you’ll learn to use Arduino coding […]

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Arduino IDE Support for the ESP8266

Despite a wealth of tutorials for setting up and writing code for the ESP8266 WiFi module, there has not been much of anything on programming this cheap wireless module with the Arduino IDE. Finally, this has changed. After many months of coding, the Arduino IDE supports the ESP8266 module.

The Arduino IDE support was announced on the ESP8266 community forum. Setup is fairly simple with downloads for Linux, OS X, and Windows. This isn’t an ESP8266 shield, either: you can write code for the ESP module, connect the serial pins, and hit the program button.

The basic functions of the Arduino IDE – pinMode, digitalRead, digitalWrite, and analogRead – are available. Most of the WiFi functions work just like the WiFi shield library.

There are a few things that aren’t written yet; PWM doesn’t work, as the ESP8266 only has one hardware PWM source. SPI and I2C slave mode aren’t done yet, and uploading sketches via WiFi needs a little bit of thought. That said, this is a great introduction to programming the ESP module. If the Arduino IDE isn’t your thing, you could always do it the cool way with [CNLohr]’s programming tutorial we featured last week.

Filed under: Arduino Hacks, wireless hacks

Plantoid Robot: Rimor Mundus, Terrapod v2

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What does it do?

Uses data based on the condition of a plant in a terraruim ecosystem to explore and react to the outer world.


Cost to build


Embedded video

Finished project


Time to build

8 hours



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300 grams

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Doodle Bot

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What does it do?

Draws nonsensical pictures

Having one of those days where your too lazy to do anything? Have a robot doodle for you while you sit back in your favorite chair. This is a very simple drawing robot that was actually started by one of our student engineers. I just made the base plate bigger so I could add a third servo to raise and lower the pen.

My base plate is laser cut acrylic but it could easily have been a small food container, CD or a piece of wood. Just use some double sided tape or hotglue to hold it all together.

Cost to build

Embedded video

Finished project



Time to build


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What does it do?

Navigates via Ultrasound, annoys the dogs

"SpiDuino" because of course it's Arduino for brains, and if you watch the end of the video it tries to climb up the wall.  Gets about to 90 degrees, too.  This is a variation on the "Start Here" robot that this site is famous for.  Essentially I wanted to test the base and the SN754410, which I was having trouble with and noted in this node.  Obviously I got it going, but special thanks to ChrisTheCarpenter and Kyle (birdmun) for their guidance.

Cost to build


Embedded video

Finished project



Time to build

1 hour


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Arduino RC Car

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What does it do?

Drives and avoids obstacles

I had bought a RC Car from walmart for about $15 to use with the Arduino Motorshield a while back (see here). Fortunately, I had taken some pictures before I removed the RC receiver circuit from it. Turns out that its lot more efficient to use the onboard controller along with an Arduino instead of using a motorshield. I didnt some research and found out that many “cheap” RC cars use the same Realtek TX2 & RX2 chips inside. I was lucky enough to find the same inside this RC car.

Cost to build

Embedded video

Finished project


Time to build


URL to more information


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