Posts with «update» label

Library Makes ESP Over the Air Updates Easy

Potentially, one of the great things about having a device connected to the network is that you can update it remotely. However, how do you make that happen? If you use the Arduino setup for the ESP8266 or ESP32, you might try [scottchiefbaker’s] library which promises to make the process easy.

Adding it looks to be simple. You’ll need an include, of course. If you don’t mind using port 8080 and the path /webota, you only need to call handle_webota() from your main loop. If you want to change the defaults, you’ll need to add an extra call in your setup. You also need to set up a few global variables to specify your network parameters.

The only caveat is that long delay statements in your loop can block things from working and aren’t a great idea anyway. If you have them, you can replace all your delay calls with webota_delay which will stop the system from ignoring update requests.

The code started from a different online tutorial but packaged the code up nicely for reuse. To do an update, simply navigate to the device with a web browser and use the correct port number and path. From there you can upload a new binary image taken from the Arduino IDE with the export compiled binary command.

The only concern we saw was the code didn’t appear to authenticate you at all. That means anyone could load code into your ESP. That might be ok on a private network, but on the public Internet it is surely asking for trouble. The original tutorial code did have a hardcoded user and password, but it didn’t look very useful as the password was in the clear and didn’t stop you from uploading if you knew the right URL. Dropping it from the library probably makes sense, but we would want to build some kind of meaningful security into anything we deployed.

If you have a network connection, we’ve seen the same trick done with a normal Arduino with a wireless chip. You can even do it over WiFi but using an ESP8266 which you’ll then want to be able to update, too.

Hack a Day 21 Mar 09:00

IDE 1.6.9 just released with Yún Shield support and more!

Today, we’re releasing a shiny new version of the Arduino IDE, with the usual plethora of features and bug fixes.

The new Yún Shield allows you to upload a sketch over the air on any supported board so, as you can guess, our official cores were updated to support this feature. 

Simply select the YunShield entry from the Network port menu, the base board from the Board menu, press upload and voilà!

You can update the cores via Board Manager to get the latest version (1.6.11 for AVR, 1.6.8 for SAM and 1.6.6 for SAMD) but don’t miss the chance to update the IDE itself.

This release fixes a bunch of long-standing issues:

  • the update popup is no longer always on top, error reporting on multitab sketches now works correctly, and compiling/uploading flows have been revisited
  • the problem with FTDI serial ports on Windows introduced with IDE 1.6.8 has been fixed as well
  • the AVR core now recognizes if a new bootloader is present and uses a safe RAM location to trigger programming (this is particularly important for large sketches, like the ones produced by our friends at Arduboy)
  • the builder has been patched, and is now faster and easier to hack

Release after release the community effort continues to get stronger and that makes us extremely happy! As usual, be sure to check the whole changelog for a complete list of changes and credits.

Don’t forget to report any issue you may find, either on GitHub or on the Arduino forum: your help is very much appreciated — even if you’re not a tech specialist. And please consider supporting the Arduino Software by contributing to its development!

Download IDE 1.6.9 now and happy coding! (You can also read all about the new Yún Shield here.)

Arduino Blog 10 May 11:49

Arduino Software Update Introduces Command-Line Tool, Serial Data Plotter

Arduino releases version 1.6.6 of their IDE software, adding new tools and features for programming Arduino-compatible microcontrollers.

Read more on MAKE

The post Arduino Software Update Introduces Command-Line Tool, Serial Data Plotter appeared first on Make: DIY Projects, How-Tos, Electronics, Crafts and Ideas for Makers.

Generosity Campaign Update - Day 2

Well what a day it has been !! 

24 hours since the personal campaign to acquire 
a Digital Storage Oscilloscope was launched... 
and it looks like everything is on track. 

Ok, maybe a bit slower than anticipated, but I think the idea to "spend money to support a content creator" is still sinking in... or maybe it is just sinking......Haha !!

Here are the stats so far...

After 24 hours, there were 43 people who paid a visit to see what this campaign was about, and I am pretty sure they ran out the virtual door to get their check books.... I eagerly await their return :)

Ok - so in total, after counting all the bills and all the change,

I have received a total contribution of 
$0 USD.

My total earnings for my entire site for that day when you include advertisements was:  $0.02

So from my calculations, the number of days until I will be able to afford an Oscilloscope, not accounting for inflation,  and also assuming the price of the Oscilloscope will remain the same is:

That time-frame is a bit hard to comprehend, so re-adjusting the calculation to years, I get this:

Ok - this is a bit slow... but the campaign is just warming up :)

I still believe that somewhere in the world 
someone will appreciate my work enough to 
donate one dollar (or more).... 

But what if no-one does???
That is ok...

I will still provide Arduino tutorials for FREE. 

I will just have to keep working harder to improve the quality of my tutorials, and have confidence in myself.
In fact I was very hesitant to put this campaign up. I did not know how well it would be received.

However, I wanted to go through the experience, to understand how the system worked.
And now if people feel inclined to provide a tip for my work, they are FREE to do so.

And you know what that tip will be spent on... yes - you guessed it..


I am not sure if anyone will read this page... or will even get down to this line on this page... but if you do... feel free to say hello in the comments - or recommend a good DSO to buy....Bear in mind though, it has to be a good brand/product -

the company still needs to be there in 63 years ... Haha !!

Hope you have a great day !!

Arduino Aircraft Stabilization Code

We remember [nickatredbox] for the [Yellow Plane],  an Arduino project. Today we have an update to the code. Click on [more] for the full code update.

Revised Yellow FPV Plane with gyro stability system added, Worked best with analogue inputs from Murata piezo gyro sensors of a dead KK board filtered taking a 10 point average. Yaw compensation is currently not used as there is no rudder presently.

Here is a video of the functionality

Here is the Arduino code that calculates the trim values

//Use the pot as the gain for all channels for now
float GainPot = (float)(TxVal[2]) * 0.001f;

//Get the target values from the TX
int PitchTarg = (TxVal[3] / 10);
int RollTarg = (TxVal[4] / 10);
int YawTarg = (TxVal[6] / 10);

//Prime the Target WOZ values
if(PitchTargWOZ == 9999)
PitchTargWOZ = PitchTarg;

if(RollTargWOZ == 9999)
RollTargWOZ = RollTarg;

if(YawTargWOZ == 9999)
YawTargWOZ = YawTarg;

//Get the Centered target values
float PitchTargCentred = (float)(PitchTarg – PitchTargWOZ);
float RollTargCentred = (float)(RollTarg – RollTargWOZ);
float YawTargCentred = (float)(YawTarg – YawTargWOZ);

//Calculate gains
float PitchGain = GainPot * 1.0f;
float RollGain = GainPot * 1.0f;
float YawGain = GainPot * 1.0f;

//Get Gyro values
float PitchGyro = (float)(AnIn[2] – AnInWOZ[2]);
float RollGyro = (float)(AnIn[1] – AnInWOZ[1]);
float YawGyro = (float)(AnIn[0] – AnInWOZ[0]);

//Calc P error
float PitchError = (float)PitchTargCentred + PitchGyro;
float RollError = (float)RollTargCentred + RollGyro;
float YawError = (float)YawTargCentred + YawGyro;

//Apply gains
int PitchTrim = (int)(PitchError * PitchGain);
int RollTrim = (int)(RollError * RollGain);
int YawTrim = (int)(YawError * YawGain);

//Constaring trim authority
PitchTrim = constrain(PitchTrim, -30, 30);
RollTrim = constrain(RollTrim, -30, 30);
YawTrim = constrain(YawTrim, -30, 30);

//Dump the trim value
if((TxVal[9] & 0×4) == 0)
PitchTrim = 0;
RollTrim = 0;
YawTrim = 0;

Here is all the RX the code

#define MAX_CHAN 12
#define MAX_IN_STR 200
#define MAX_SETTINGS 20
#define MAX_NAV_VALS 50
#define MAX_SAMPLE 10


char buf[255] = {0, };
String str = “”;
char *p;

Servo servo[7]; // create servo object to control a servo
int val = 0; // variable to read the value from the analog pin
int AnInWOZ[MAX_CHAN] = {0, };
int AnIn[MAX_CHAN] = {0, };
int AnInBuf[MAX_CHAN] = {0, };

//Get the target values from the TX at rest
int PitchTargWOZ = 9999;
int RollTargWOZ = 9999;
int YawTargWOZ = 9999;

String inputString = “”; // a string to hold incoming data

int Sample = 0;
int TxTemp[MAX_CHAN + 1] = {0, };
int TxVal[MAX_CHAN + 1] = {0, };

int NavVal[MAX_NAV_VALS] = {0, };
int SettingVal[MAX_SETTINGS] = {0, };

int rssiDur = 0;
int DigBits = 0;
int ComState = 0;
long PacketCount = 0;
long NoPacketCount = 0;

//Digital inputs TX code helper
//TxVal[8] |= (digitalRead(5) << 0);//joy 2 push
//TxVal[8] |= (digitalRead(6) << 1);//pb
//TxVal[8] |= (digitalRead(7) << 2);//slide
//TxVal[8] |= (digitalRead(8) << 3);//toggle

void setup() {

// initialize serial:

// reserve 200 bytes for the inputString:

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

servo[0].attach(3); // attaches the servo on pin 3 to the servo object
servo[1].attach(5); // attaches the servo on pin 5 to the servo object
servo[2].attach(6); // attaches the servo on pin 6 to the servo object
servo[3].attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
servo[4].attach(10); // attaches the servo on pin 10 to the servo object
servo[5].attach(11); // attaches the servo on pin 11 to the servo object


//Get all the analogue signals
//Do a wind off zero

for(int i = 0;i < 8;i++)
AnInWOZ[i] = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < MAX_SAMPLE;i++){

AnIn[0] += analogRead(A0);
AnIn[1] += analogRead(A1);
AnIn[2] += analogRead(A2);
AnIn[3] += analogRead(A3);
AnIn[4] += analogRead(A4);
AnIn[5] += analogRead(A5);
AnIn[6] += analogRead(A6);
AnIn[7] += analogRead(A7);


for(int i = 0;i < 8;i++)
AnInWOZ[i] = (AnIn[i] / MAX_SAMPLE);

//Prime the WOZ values
PitchTargWOZ = 9999;
RollTargWOZ = 9999;
YawTargWOZ = 9999;


void loop(){

//*Get all the analogue signals
for(int i = 0;i < 8;i++)
AnInBuf[i] = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < MAX_SAMPLE;i++){

AnInBuf[0] += analogRead(A0);
AnInBuf[1] += analogRead(A1);
AnInBuf[2] += analogRead(A2);
AnInBuf[3] += analogRead(A3);
AnInBuf[4] += analogRead(A4);
AnInBuf[5] += analogRead(A5);
AnInBuf[6] += analogRead(A6);
AnInBuf[7] += analogRead(A7);


for(int i = 0;i < 8;i++)
AnIn[i]= (AnInBuf[i] / MAX_SAMPLE);

//Capture the Xbee comms
int CharCount = 0;

while ((Serial.available()) && ((++CharCount) 0)
inputString += inChar;

if(inputString.length() >= MAX_IN_STR)

//Detect end of packet
if ( (inChar == ‘\n’) && (ComState > 0) )

//Count packets

int NumChan = ExtractPacket();

if( ComState == 1)
for(int i = 0 ;i < NumChan;i++)
TxVal[i] = TxTemp[i];



else if( ComState == 2)
for(int i = 0 ;i < NumChan;i++)
NavVal[i] = TxTemp[i];

else if( ComState == 3)
for(int i = 0 ;i 50)


int ExtractPacket()

int Lchk = 0;
int channel = 0; //initialise the channel count

p = &inputString[0];

while ((str = strtok_r(p, “,”, &p)) != NULL) // delimiter is the comma

TxTemp[channel] = str.toInt(); //use the channel as an index to add each value to the array

Lchk += TxTemp[channel];

channel++; //increment the channel

if(channel > MAX_CHAN)

p = NULL;
inputString = “”;

//Process in comming data
if(channel > 2)
//Remove the remote chk from the total
Lchk -= TxTemp[channel-2];

if((Lchk – TxTemp[channel-2]) == 0)
return channel;


return -1;

void DoTelemetery()

//Send back a telemetery packet
if((PacketCount % 5) == 0)
rssiDur = pulseIn(5, LOW, 200);

int PacketType = 12;

//sprintf(buf, “T%02X,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\n”, PacketType, rssiDur, PacketCount, NoPacketCount, TxVal[1], TxVal[2], TxVal[3], TxVal[4], TxVal[5], TxVal[6], AnIn[0], AnIn[1], AnIn[2], AnIn[3], AnIn[4], AnIn[5], AnIn[6], AnIn[7], DigBits);
//sprintf(buf, “T %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,\n”, PacketType, rssiDur, PacketCount, NoPacketCount, AnIn[0], AnIn[1], AnIn[2], AnIn[3], AnIn[4], AnIn[5], AnIn[6], AnIn[7], DigBits, TxVal[9]);
sprintf(buf, “T%02X%02X%04X%02X%03X%03X%03X%03X%03X%03X%03X%03X%03X%02X%02X\n”, PacketType, rssiDur, PacketCount, NoPacketCount, AnIn[0], AnIn[1], AnIn[2], AnIn[3], AnIn[4], AnIn[5], AnIn[6], AnIn[7], DigBits, TxVal[9]);


if(digitalRead(13) == false)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // set the LED on
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // set the LED off


void UpdateServos()

//Digital inputs TX code helper
//TxVal[8] |= (digitalRead(5) << 0);//joy 2 push
//TxVal[8] |= (digitalRead(6) << 1);//pb
//TxVal[8] |= (digitalRead(7) << 2);//slide
//TxVal[8] |= (digitalRead(8) << 3);//toggle

//Throttle TxVal[1]
//Rotary pot TxVal[2]
//Joy 1 X TxVal[3]
//Joy 1 Y TxVal[4]
//Joy 2 X TxVal[5]
//Joy 2 Y TxVal[6]
//rssi TxVal[7]
//digital TxVal[8]
//micros() TxVal[9]

//Use the pot as the gain for all channels for now
float GainPot = (float)(TxVal[2]) * 0.001f;

//Get the target values from the TX
int PitchTarg = (TxVal[3] / 10);
int RollTarg = (TxVal[4] / 10);
int YawTarg = (TxVal[6] / 10);

//Prime the Target WOZ values
if(PitchTargWOZ == 9999)
PitchTargWOZ = PitchTarg;

if(RollTargWOZ == 9999)
RollTargWOZ = RollTarg;

if(YawTargWOZ == 9999)
YawTargWOZ = YawTarg;

//Get the Centered target values
float PitchTargCentred = (float)(PitchTarg – PitchTargWOZ);
float RollTargCentred = (float)(RollTarg – RollTargWOZ);
float YawTargCentred = (float)(YawTarg – YawTargWOZ);

//Calculate gains
float PitchGain = GainPot * 1.0f;
float RollGain = GainPot * 1.0f;
float YawGain = GainPot * 1.0f;

//Get Gyro values
float PitchGyro = (float)(AnIn[2] – AnInWOZ[2]);
float RollGyro = (float)(AnIn[1] – AnInWOZ[1]);
float YawGyro = (float)(AnIn[0] – AnInWOZ[0]);

//Calc P error
float PitchError = (float)PitchTargCentred + PitchGyro;
float RollError = (float)RollTargCentred + RollGyro;
float YawError = (float)YawTargCentred + YawGyro;

//Apply gains
int PitchTrim = (int)(PitchError * PitchGain);
int RollTrim = (int)(RollError * RollGain);
int YawTrim = (int)(YawError * YawGain);

//Constaring trim authority
PitchTrim = constrain(PitchTrim, -30, 30);
RollTrim = constrain(RollTrim, -30, 30);
YawTrim = constrain(YawTrim, -30, 30);

//Dump the trim value
if((TxVal[9] & 0×4) == 0)
PitchTrim = 0;
RollTrim = 0;
YawTrim = 0;

//Calc flap anglke
int Flaps = 0;

//Apply flaps
if((TxVal[9] & 0×8) != 0)
Flaps = 25;

val = TxVal[1] / 10;
val = map(val, 1, 179, 30, 179);
val = constrain(val, 1, 165); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[0].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Elevator Joy 1 Y TxVal[4]
val = PitchTarg + PitchTrim;
val = constrain(val, 15, 165);
val = map(val, 0, 179, 135, 45); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[1].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Left Flaperon
val = RollTarg + Flaps + RollTrim;
val = constrain(val, 15, 165);
val = map(val, 0, 179, 165, 15); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[2].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Right Flaperon
val = RollTarg – Flaps + RollTrim;
val = constrain(val, 15, 165);
val = map(val, 0, 179, 165, 15); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[3].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Joy 2 x nose Wheel / rudder
val = (TxVal[6] / 10);
val = map(val, 0, 179, 55, 125);
servo[4].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Joy 2 Y
val = TxVal[5] / 10;
val = constrain(val, 15, 165); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[5].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value


void NullServos()

//Throttle TxVal[1]
//Rotary pot TxVal[2]
//Joy 1 X TxVal[3]
//Joy 1 Y TxVal[4]
//Joy 2 X TxVal[5]
//Joy 2 Y TxVal[6]
//rssi TxVal[7]
//digital TxVal[8]
//micros() TxVal[9]

val = 0;
val = map(val, 1, 179, 30, 179);
val = constrain(val, 1, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[0].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Elevator Joy 1 Y TxVal[4]
val = 90;
val = constrain(val, 1, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[1].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Left Flaperon
val = 90;
val = map(val, 0, 179, 1, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[2].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Right Flaperon
val = 90;
val = constrain(val, 1, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[3].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Joy 2 X
val = 90;
val = constrain(val, 1, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[4].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

//Joy 2 Y
val = 90;
val = constrain(val, 1, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)
servo[5].write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value


void SoftReset() // Restarts program from beginning but does not reset the peripherals and registers

//Prime the WOZ values
PitchTargWOZ = 9999;
RollTargWOZ = 9999;
YawTargWOZ = 9999;

NoPacketCount = 0;

asm volatile (” jmp 0″);

Arduino updates - I hate the new Arduino

When I started using Arduino, V0018 was the latest and greatest. Since then there have been about 7 updates and every time they update, more and more of my code fails to compile.

Since V1.0 and now V1.01 it seems the capital letter "F" cannot be used for a function name. This caused the error:
error: expected unqualified-id before 'reinterpret_cast'

read more

Let's Make Robots 06 Aug 05:18
arduino  avr  code  compatibility  error  strange  update