Posts with «kl25z» label

Updates on some earlier lessons

In Still better I-V plot for Schottky diodes, I had some lessons learned at the end of the post:

  1. Higher-resolution ADCs do give smoother curves, with less digitization noise, but they aren’t a panacea for measurement problems. To get most of the resolution, I had to set the ADC to use long sample times and do a lot of averaging. I understand that Freescale Kinetis M series include 24-bit sigma-delta converters for higher precision at much lower speed (24 bits is 7 decimal digits), as well as the high-speed 16-bit successive-approximation converters. Unfortunately, they don’t have a low-cost development board for this series.
  2. Stay away from the bottom end of the ADC range on the KL25Z.  Scale single-ended inputs to have values at least 50, and differential inputs to have values at least 20.  There may be similar problems at the top end of the range, but I did not test for them.
    I wondered if the problem may be switching from the large value for the voltage across the diode to the small voltage across the shunt resistor that was the problem. I tried putting in a dummy read between the voltage and the current reads, but that didn’t help at all. At first I thought that the low-count readings were good with the large shunt resistors, but this is probably an illusion: errors in the current measurement for small currents aren’t visible on the plot, because the voltage across the diode is not changing, and so large horizontal errors in the plot are not visible there.
  3. Watch out for AC noise when trying to measure DC parameters.  If there are semiconductor junctions around, the noise may be rectified to produce an unwanted DC signal.
  4. The differential ADC settings have a range of ±VDDA, not ±VDDA/2. This means that the least-significant bit step size is twice as big for differential inputs as for single-ended inputs. For some reason the Freescale documentation never bothers to express what the differential range is.
  5. Serial USB connections are a bit flakey—the Arduino serial monitor missed a byte about every 200–300 lines.  I looked for anomalous points on the plot, then commented out the lines that produced them—they were almost all explainable by one character having been missed by the serial monitor; e.g., I commented out “662401069     86      19″ right after “660001069       865     17″,  because the last digit of the voltage (the second field) was missing.  The fields were a timestamp (in 24MHz ticks), voltage across the diode (in ADC units), and voltage across the shunt resistance (in ADC units).  [Actually, this was not a new lesson for me—I've had to do the same on almost all files collected from the Arduino serial monitor.  My son's data logger code is better at not losing data, but it is still worthwhile to check for anomalies.]
  6. The 3.3v supply from the Freedom board is much cleaner than the 5v USB supply that I get from the Arduino (unless I use an external power supply with the Arduino), but I can only take about 10mA from the 3.3v supply before it begins to droop.  If I want  more than that, I’d better provide my own power supply (or at least my own LDO regulator from the USB 5v supply).

I’d like to correct a few of those lessons in this post.

  1. A 24-bit sigma-delta converter is really only about 7 bits of accuracy—you are relying on oversampling with a single-bit comparator, then low-pass filtering.  Your resolution is a function of frequency, but the “24-bit” number is misleading—that’s how much precision they carry in the low-pass filter computations, and has little to do with the amount of information you can actually extract from the ADC. I think I was confusing sigma-delta converters (which are fast, cheap, and not very accurate) with dual-slope converters (which are slow and more accurate).
  2. no update.
  3. no update.
  4. no update.
  5. The UART communication from the Freescale KL25Z boards, using MBED’s code on OpenSDA chip to do the UART to USB conversion is much less reliable than the Arduino serial connections.  My son has been doing testing and has found that he can run the Arduino boards up to about 500k baud without losing characters (aside from a small number right after a reset), but the MBED-implemented UART communication on the KL25Z lost tens of character per second even at fairly low speeds (tested own to 62.5kbaud). We suspect a bug in their code in which they ignore the UART port for too long while dealing with the USB side.  (He’s not the first to notice that the MBED serial communication is broken on the KL25Z boards.) Using the MBED USB stack natively on the KL25 chip (not the SDA port), he had no noticeable character losses, so the problem is not on the host computer or the software he was testing with, but on the MBED implementation of the USB serial connection on the OpenSDA chip.
    This bug in MBED’s serial implementation has raised the complexity of the port of the data acquisition system to the KL25Z enormously, as he’ll have to implement a USB stack (or enough of one to do USB serial) on the KL25, rather than using the buggy one on the OpenSDA chip.  The MBED USB stack (written in C++) is not compatible with the bare metal ARM platform he’s been using for the port (which only seems to support C).  He’s gotten the USB code to compile and link, but is having trouble getting it to run—we suspect that some part of the C++ memory management has not been initialized properly.
    We have not checked whether the PEMicro OpenSDA software works for serial communication—since it doesn’t work for downloading software from the Mac, we can’t use it anyway.
  6. As I reported in Diode-connected nFET characterisitics, the 3.3V LDO on the KL25Z boards is actually pretty good: it can be modeled as 3.32V source with a 55mΩ series resistor. I got a steeper voltage drop above 500mA, but that was from overloading the USB 5v supply that was powering the board, not from problems with the LDO.
    I’ve not yet tried powering the board with a beefier power supply on the P5-9V_VIN pin. I suspect that it will be able to handle up to 1.5A without problems (maintaining the 55mΩ impedance).

Filed under: Circuits course Tagged: Arduino, KL25Z, MBED

Still better I-V plot for Schottky diodes

Last weekend I posted a voltage-versus-current curve for a 1N5817 Schottky diode, to confirm the theoretical formula , where IS is the saturation current of the diode, using the following setup

and measuring the results with an Arduino Leonardo.  I claimed that the resulting data fits the model well for over six decades (> 120dB):

Fitting over a wide range of currents is more robust than fitting over the narrower range that I can get with just one value for R2.
There is quantization error still on the voltages, but the overlapping current ranges give good data for most of the range. VT is now 26.1mV and IS is 0.91µA.
click to embiggen

I was a little dissatisfied at the low end, because of the low resolution of the Arduino analog-to-digital converter (only 10 bits).  This weekend I decided to repeat the measurements, but using a Freedom KL25Z board, which has a 16-bit ADC.  Of course, it doesn’t really get 16 bits of accuracy—the data sheet claims that when you use the hardware averaging of 32 samples in 16-bit differential mode (the most accurate) you get at least 12.8 equivalent bits and typically 14.5 equivalent bits. (For single-ended 16-bit, the effective number of bits is only guaranteed to be 12.2, and the typical is 13.9 bits.)  They claim a ±6.8LSB total unadjusted error.

My son helped me get the bare metal ARM system set up on my laptop, along with ADC and UART routines, so that I could write my own single-purpose data logger for this problem (he’s working on getting the KL25Z board integrated into the Arduino Data Logger, but it isn’t close to being ready yet).  My program used the longest sample times and hardware averaging of 32 samples, to get the most accurate conversions possible from the 16-bit ADC.  The first version of the program used differential inputs for the voltage across the diode (E20-E21), but single-ended readings (E21) for the voltage across the resistor.  I had to reduce the voltage for the test from 5v to 3.3v, because the KL25Z runs on 3.3v, not 5v. I got some rather weird results:

Two runs of measurement with R2=100Ω. The low-current measurements seem to be all noise.
click to embiggen

I could get decent measurement in the low-current range by using a larger resistor, so the problem was not noise in the measurement fixture or problems reading low differential voltages on the diode, but just with the small single-ended read for the current. It is pretty clear to me that the ADC does not work well when the input voltage results in less than about 50 counts.  (Note, that means that at the low end of the voltage range you only have about a 9.4-bit equivalent ADC.)

I modified the circuit to allow differential reading away from 0 for both the voltage across the diode and the voltage across the shunt resistor:

Adding an extra resistor ensured that the lowest voltage did not get too close to ground and I could use differential reads for both voltage (E20-E21) and current (E22-E23)/R2

This gave me a much cleaner reading, with problems only once the differential counts got below about 20:

Differential measurement with R2=100Ω. The low-current measurements have problems when the counts get small, but not nearly as severely as with the single-ended measurements.
click to embiggen

I replaced the 100Ω R2 resistor with a 15.56kΩ resistor (nominally 15kΩ), to extend to lower currents despite the noise in the ADC:

This plot extends the fit down to about 0.1µA, but only by adding an extra term—an offset to the voltage. I thought at first that overshoot to –11mV is an error in the analog-to-digital converter on the KL25Z, as I couldn’t see how my circuit could be back-biasing the diode.
Click to embiggen

I tried using larger resistors, but was unable to get any better data using them—I seem to be limited by the differential voltage measurement of the diode at the low end. I thought I might be able to improve the measurements by adding an instrumentation amp to increase the signal for low voltages.  But first I tried just hooking up a voltmeter, with no ADC or instrumentation amp connections.  When the voltage across R2 (100kΩ) is 0.31mV, the voltage across the diode plus R2 is only 0.05V, so there is -0.26mV across the diode.  The backwards voltage across the diode was not an artifact of the ADC!

I then tried looking at the voltage across the diode with my oscilloscope.  There is about 20mV of AC noise, independent of the DC voltage, until the diode has about 50mV across it (with the 15.5kΩ resistor for R2), by which time the noise has dropped to about 10mV (the Bitscope oscilloscope with the differential probe has a noise floor of about 3mV, if the two leads are connected together, so this is not just oscilloscope noise).  This noise seems to be white noise, not 60Hz hum pickup, so is probably coming from the diode.  This AC noise signal limits how accurately we can measure the DC current, and rectifying the noise could be the source of the mysterious “backwards” bias.

To reduce the noise, I put a 4.7µF ceramic capacitor in parallel with the diode, and redid all the measurements with 100Ω, 15.5kΩ, and 100kΩ resistors for R2.

Modified measurement circuit, adding a bypass capacitor to reduce AC noise on the diode and allow better DC measurement.

Now the signals are very clean down to nanoamp levels. I no longer need to add an offset to the voltage, as it is 0 to within the measurement repeatability. The noise from very small voltage differences for the 100Ω shunt resistor is still a bit of a problem, but that region is well covered by 15.5kΩ data. The curve was fit using just the 15.5kΩ and 100kΩ data, to avoid having to trim out the noise from the 100Ω data.
Click to embiggen

Lessons learned today:

  • Higher-resolution ADCs do give smoother curves, with less digitization noise, but they aren’t a panacea for measurement problems. To get most of the resolution, I had to set the ADC to use long sample times and do a lot of averaging. I understand that Freescale Kinetis M series include 24-bit sigma-delta converters for higher precision at much lower speed (24 bits is 7 decimal digits), as well as the high-speed 16-bit successive-approximation converters. Unfortunately, they don’t have a low-cost development board for this series.
  • Stay away from the bottom end of the ADC range on the KL25Z.  Scale single-ended inputs to have values at least 50, and differential inputs to have values at least 20.  There may be similar problems at the top end of the range, but I did not test for them.
    I wondered if the problem may be switching from the large value for the voltage across the diode to the small voltage across the shunt resistor that was the problem. I tried putting in a dummy read between the voltage and the current reads, but that didn’t help at all. At first I thought that the low-count readings were good with the large shunt resistors, but this is probably an illusion: errors in the current measurement for small currents aren’t visible on the plot, because the voltage across the diode is not changing, and so large horizontal errors in the plot are not visible there.
  • Watch out for AC noise when trying to measure DC parameters.  If there are semiconductor junctions around, the noise may be rectified to produce an unwanted DC signal.
  • The differential ADC settings have a range of ±VDDA, not ±VDDA/2. This means that the least-significant bit step size is twice as big for differential inputs as for single-ended inputs. For some reason the Freescale documentation never bothers to express what the differential range is.
  • Serial USB connections are a bit flakey—the Arduino serial monitor missed a byte about every 200–300 lines.  I looked for anomalous points on the plot, then commented out the lines that produced them—they were almost all explainable by one character having been missed by the serial monitor; e.g., I commented out “662401069     86      19″ right after “660001069       865     17″,  because the last digit of the voltage (the second field) was missing.  The fields were a timestamp (in 24MHz ticks), voltage across the diode (in ADC units), and voltage across the shunt resistance (in ADC units).  [Actually, this was not a new lesson for me—I've had to do the same on almost all files collected from the Arduino serial monitor.  My son's data logger code is better at not losing data, but it is still worthwhile to check for anomalies.]
  • The 3.3v supply from the Freedom board is much cleaner than the 5v USB supply that I get from the Arduino (unless I use an external power supply with the Arduino), but I can only take about 10mA from the 3.3v supply before it begins to droop.  If I want  more than that, I’d better provide my own power supply (or at least my own LDO regulator from the USB 5v supply).

Filed under: Circuits course, Data acquisition Tagged: Arduino, i-vs-v-plot, KL25Z, Schottky diode

Still better I-V plot for Schottky diodes

Last weekend I posted a voltage-versus-current curve for a 1N5817 Schottky diode, to confirm the theoretical formula , where IS is the saturation current of the diode, using the following setup

and measuring the results with an Arduino Leonardo.  I claimed that the resulting data fits the model well for over six decades (> 120dB):

Fitting over a wide range of currents is more robust than fitting over the narrower range that I can get with just one value for R2.
There is quantization error still on the voltages, but the overlapping current ranges give good data for most of the range. VT is now 26.1mV and IS is 0.91µA.
click to embiggen

I was a little dissatisfied at the low end, because of the low resolution of the Arduino analog-to-digital converter (only 10 bits).  This weekend I decided to repeat the measurements, but using a Freedom KL25Z board, which has a 16-bit ADC.  Of course, it doesn’t really get 16 bits of accuracy—the data sheet claims that when you use the hardware averaging of 32 samples in 16-bit differential mode (the most accurate) you get at least 12.8 equivalent bits and typically 14.5 equivalent bits. (For single-ended 16-bit, the effective number of bits is only guaranteed to be 12.2, and the typical is 13.9 bits.)  They claim a ±6.8LSB total unadjusted error.

My son helped me get the bare metal ARM system set up on my laptop, along with ADC and UART routines, so that I could write my own single-purpose data logger for this problem (he’s working on getting the KL25Z board integrated into the Arduino Data Logger, but it isn’t close to being ready yet).  My program used the longest sample times and hardware averaging of 32 samples, to get the most accurate conversions possible from the 16-bit ADC.  The first version of the program used differential inputs for the voltage across the diode (E20-E21), but single-ended readings (E21) for the voltage across the resistor.  I had to reduce the voltage for the test from 5v to 3.3v, because the KL25Z runs on 3.3v, not 5v. I got some rather weird results:

Two runs of measurement with R2=100Ω. The low-current measurements seem to be all noise.
click to embiggen

I could get decent measurement in the low-current range by using a larger resistor, so the problem was not noise in the measurement fixture or problems reading low differential voltages on the diode, but just with the small single-ended read for the current. It is pretty clear to me that the ADC does not work well when the input voltage results in less than about 50 counts.  (Note, that means that at the low end of the voltage range you only have about a 9.4-bit equivalent ADC.)

I modified the circuit to allow differential reading away from 0 for both the voltage across the diode and the voltage across the shunt resistor:

Adding an extra resistor ensured that the lowest voltage did not get too close to ground and I could use differential reads for both voltage (E20-E21) and current (E22-E23)/R2

This gave me a much cleaner reading, with problems only once the differential counts got below about 20:

Differential measurement with R2=100Ω. The low-current measurements have problems when the counts get small, but not nearly as severely as with the single-ended measurements.
click to embiggen

I replaced the 100Ω R2 resistor with a 15.56kΩ resistor (nominally 15kΩ), to extend to lower currents despite the noise in the ADC:

This plot extends the fit down to about 0.1µA, but only by adding an extra term—an offset to the voltage. I thought at first that overshoot to –11mV is an error in the analog-to-digital converter on the KL25Z, as I couldn’t see how my circuit could be back-biasing the diode.
Click to embiggen

I tried using larger resistors, but was unable to get any better data using them—I seem to be limited by the differential voltage measurement of the diode at the low end. I thought I might be able to improve the measurements by adding an instrumentation amp to increase the signal for low voltages.  But first I tried just hooking up a voltmeter, with no ADC or instrumentation amp connections.  When the voltage across R2 (100kΩ) is 0.31mV, the voltage across the diode plus R2 is only 0.05V, so there is -0.26mV across the diode.  The backwards voltage across the diode was not an artifact of the ADC!

I then tried looking at the voltage across the diode with my oscilloscope.  There is about 20mV of AC noise, independent of the DC voltage, until the diode has about 50mV across it (with the 15.5kΩ resistor for R2), by which time the noise has dropped to about 10mV (the Bitscope oscilloscope with the differential probe has a noise floor of about 3mV, if the two leads are connected together, so this is not just oscilloscope noise).  This noise seems to be white noise, not 60Hz hum pickup, so is probably coming from the diode.  This AC noise signal limits how accurately we can measure the DC current, and rectifying the noise could be the source of the mysterious “backwards” bias.

To reduce the noise, I put a 4.7µF ceramic capacitor in parallel with the diode, and redid all the measurements with 100Ω, 15.5kΩ, and 100kΩ resistors for R2.

Modified measurement circuit, adding a bypass capacitor to reduce AC noise on the diode and allow better DC measurement.

Now the signals are very clean down to nanoamp levels. I no longer need to add an offset to the voltage, as it is 0 to within the measurement repeatability. The noise from very small voltage differences for the 100Ω shunt resistor is still a bit of a problem, but that region is well covered by 15.5kΩ data. The curve was fit using just the 15.5kΩ and 100kΩ data, to avoid having to trim out the noise from the 100Ω data.
Click to embiggen

Lessons learned today:

  • Higher-resolution ADCs do give smoother curves, with less digitization noise, but they aren’t a panacea for measurement problems. To get most of the resolution, I had to set the ADC to use long sample times and do a lot of averaging. I understand that Freescale Kinetis M series include 24-bit sigma-delta converters for higher precision at much lower speed (24 bits is 7 decimal digits), as well as the high-speed 16-bit successive-approximation converters. Unfortunately, they don’t have a low-cost development board for this series.
  • Stay away from the bottom end of the ADC range on the KL25Z.  Scale single-ended inputs to have values at least 50, and differential inputs to have values at least 20.  There may be similar problems at the top end of the range, but I did not test for them.
    I wondered if the problem may be switching from the large value for the voltage across the diode to the small voltage across the shunt resistor that was the problem. I tried putting in a dummy read between the voltage and the current reads, but that didn’t help at all. At first I thought that the low-count readings were good with the large shunt resistors, but this is probably an illusion: errors in the current measurement for small currents aren’t visible on the plot, because the voltage across the diode is not changing, and so large horizontal errors in the plot are not visible there.
  • Watch out for AC noise when trying to measure DC parameters.  If there are semiconductor junctions around, the noise may be rectified to produce an unwanted DC signal.
  • The differential ADC settings have a range of ±VDDA, not ±VDDA/2. This means that the least-significant bit step size is twice as big for differential inputs as for single-ended inputs. For some reason the Freescale documentation never bothers to express what the differential range is.
  • Serial USB connections are a bit flakey—the Arduino serial monitor missed a byte about every 200–300 lines.  I looked for anomalous points on the plot, then commented out the lines that produced them—they were almost all explainable by one character having been missed by the serial monitor; e.g., I commented out “662401069     86      19″ right after “660001069       865     17″,  because the last digit of the voltage (the second field) was missing.  The fields were a timestamp (in 24MHz ticks), voltage across the diode (in ADC units), and voltage across the shunt resistance (in ADC units).  [Actually, this was not a new lesson for me—I've had to do the same on almost all files collected from the Arduino serial monitor.  My son's data logger code is better at not losing data, but it is still worthwhile to check for anomalies.]
  • The 3.3v supply from the Freedom board is much cleaner than the 5v USB supply that I get from the Arduino (unless I use an external power supply with the Arduino), but I can only take about 10mA from the 3.3v supply before it begins to droop.  If I want  more than that, I’d better provide my own power supply (or at least my own LDO regulator from the USB 5v supply).

Filed under: Circuits course, Data acquisition Tagged: Arduino, i-vs-v-plot, KL25Z, Schottky diode

College applications finished

My son finished the last of his college application essays today—a letter of intent for the College of Creative Studies at UCSB.  UCSB is more of a safety school for him than a first-choice one, but they have a decent CS department, and the College of Creative Studies is a better honors program than the other UC campuses have.  It looks like that program provides enough flexibility in the general ed requirements that he would have relatively few courses to take that he did not choose for himself—certainly less than the rather specific laundry lists of UCSD colleges or UCB.

I had to bicycle down to the post office to mail paper copies of the application forms to the College of Creative Studies, because my son was running late for his afternoon appointment, and the forms really needed to be postmarked today.  It seemed a bit weird and old-fashioned to be sticking stamps on a big envelope and mailing it from the post office for a college application.  Of course, the College of Creative Studies is small enough that they can’t really afford to set up their own on-line application system, and UC is not about to modify their system to accommodate a small college on one campus.

Now that he has finally finished his essays, I’m hoping to get him to spend some time on two subjects he’s been neglecting: group theory and updating the data logger to work with the Freescale processors (along with lots of other upgrades requested on the bitbucket site).  I’ll have to tell the lab staff soon which processors the students will be buying for the spring quarter Applied Circuits course.  If the data logger is not working with the KL25Z boards, then we’ll have to continue using the Arduinos.  The Arduinos worked well enough last year, but we could run much higher sampling rates and higher resolution on the KL25Z boards.  I’m also wondering whether I should get a KL26Z board, which has 14-bit resolution for 3-axis acceleration measurements and 16-bit resolution for 3-axis magnetic measurements (the KL25Z board has only 12-bit resolution for 3-axis acceleration and no magnetometer).  Both boards have 48MHz ARM Cortex M0+ processors with 28kB of flash and 16kB of RAM, and use similar OpenSDA interfaces for downloading programs. The KL25Z is supported by free software from, but the KL26Z does not seem to be (yet—they do support the KL46Z).

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Arduino, college admissions, College of Creative Studies, data logger, KL25Z, UCSB

College applications finished

My son finished the last of his college application essays today—a letter of intent for the College of Creative Studies at UCSB.  UCSB is more of a safety school for him than a first-choice one, but they have a decent CS department, and the College of Creative Studies is a better honors program than the other UC campuses have.  It looks like that program provides enough flexibility in the general ed requirements that he would have relatively few courses to take that he did not choose for himself—certainly less than the rather specific laundry lists of UCSD colleges or UCB.

I had to bicycle down to the post office to mail paper copies of the application forms to the College of Creative Studies, because my son was running late for his afternoon appointment, and the forms really needed to be postmarked today.  It seemed a bit weird and old-fashioned to be sticking stamps on a big envelope and mailing it from the post office for a college application.  Of course, the College of Creative Studies is small enough that they can’t really afford to set up their own on-line application system, and UC is not about to modify their system to accommodate a small college on one campus.

Now that he has finally finished his essays, I’m hoping to get him to spend some time on two subjects he’s been neglecting: group theory and updating the data logger to work with the Freescale processors (along with lots of other upgrades requested on the bitbucket site).  I’ll have to tell the lab staff soon which processors the students will be buying for the spring quarter Applied Circuits course.  If the data logger is not working with the KL25Z boards, then we’ll have to continue using the Arduinos.  The Arduinos worked well enough last year, but we could run much higher sampling rates and higher resolution on the KL25Z boards.  I’m also wondering whether I should get a KL26Z board, which has 14-bit resolution for 3-axis acceleration measurements and 16-bit resolution for 3-axis magnetic measurements (the KL25Z board has only 12-bit resolution for 3-axis acceleration and no magnetometer).  Both boards have 48MHz ARM Cortex M0+ processors with 28kB of flash and 16kB of RAM, and use similar OpenSDA interfaces for downloading programs. The KL25Z is supported by free software from, but the KL26Z does not seem to be (yet—they do support the KL46Z).

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Arduino, college admissions, College of Creative Studies, data logger, KL25Z, UCSB

Using KL25Z for measuring salinity

Continuing the series of posts on measuring salinity with a couple of resistors and microprocessor

  1. Towards automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution describes another possible freshman design project: a conductivity meter using the KL25Z board.
  2. More on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution looks at waveforms for square waves generated using PWM on the KL25Z board.  In this post I found that 100kHz square waves would work well.
  3. Still more on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution looks at waveforms for bursts of square waves generated by an Arduino board.  The bursts are limited to about 4kHz, but that may be good enough for a conductivity meter.

Today I started over on using the KL25Z board.  Since I wasn’t interested in precise frequencies, I didn’t use the PWM output this time, but used the same trick I used on the Arduino board: flipping the output bit, reading a sample, and repeating in a burst.

I record the sum of the differences between the high and low readings, and report the average at the end of each burst.  By using 40,000 cycles of warmup in each burst (discarded), then averaging over the next 10,000 cycles, I get a voltage reading that has a standard deviation of about 0.1mV on a reading of 2.843V, which is about 14–15 bits of accuracy.  The voltage reading is not constant, though, but drifts downward.

(click to embiggen) Voltage difference at undriven electrode as a function of time. The two sudden steps were probably the result of my jostling the table by putting down my teacup too hard.

I don’t have an explanation of the gradual drift in the voltage. I don’t think that this is a change in the salinity of the solution (which should be unchanged or increasing slowly due to evaporation). but a change in the characteristics of the electrodes. More likely, it is a change in the characteristics of the electrodes.  The sudden shifts when the table was jostled may be due to electrodes shifting their position in the cup or the release of a bubble.  Releasing a bubble should increase the surface area of the electrode and hence increase the conductivity and the voltage difference at the undriven electrode.  The gradual downward shift could be due to building up tiny hydrogen bubbles (too small to see) on the negative electrode.  The changes in voltage observed here are less than 0.1%, which is fairly respectable for a homebrew instrument.

Here is the (undocumented, throw-away) code that I wrote today to test out the ideas of an automatic salinity measurement system using a KL25Z:

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalInOut square_out(PTB0);   // PTB0=arduino A0
//PTB0, PTB1, PTD6, and PTD7 I/O have both high drive and normal drive capability selected by the associated PTx_PCRn[DSE] control bit.

AnalogIn IN(PTB1);  // PTB1=Arduino A1

Serial USB_io(USBTX, USBRX);  // defaults to 9600 8N1 (reset in main to 115200 baud)
Timer since_start;

#define WARMUP (40000)    // number of cycles of toggling output before collecting data
#define COLLECT (10000)   // number of cycles of data to sum for each output
#define Vdd (3.3)      // High voltage at output
int main()

    //DEFAULT configuration of analog input
    ADC0->CFG1 = ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_MASK    // Low-Power Configuration
               | ADC_CFG1_ADIV(3)       // Clock Divide Select: (Input Clock)/8
               | ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK   // Long Sample Time
               | ADC_CFG1_MODE(3)       // (16)bits Resolution
               | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(1);    // Input Clock: (Bus Clock)/2

    ADC0->CFG2 = ADC_CFG2_MUXSEL_MASK   // ADxxb channels are selected
               | ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK  // Asynchronous Clock Output Enable
               | ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK    // High-Speed Configuration
               | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(0);    // Long Sample Time Select

    ADC0->SC2 = ADC_SC2_REFSEL(0);      // Default Voltage Reference

    ADC0->SC3 = ADC_SC3_AVGE_MASK       // Hardware Average Enable
                | ADC_SC3_AVGS(0);        // 4 Samples Averaged

    // FAST analog input
    ADC0->CFG1 =
                ADC_CFG1_MODE(3)       // (16)bits Resolution
               | ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK   // Long Sample Time
               | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(0);    // Input Clock: (Bus Clock)

    ADC0->CFG2 = ADC_CFG2_MUXSEL_MASK   // ADxxb channels are selected
               | ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK  // Asynchronous Clock Output Enable
               | ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK    // High-Speed Configuration
               | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(0);    // longest "long" Sample Time Select

//             | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(3);    // shortest "long" Sample Time Select

    ADC0->SC2 = ADC_SC2_REFSEL(0);      // Default Voltage Reference
    ADC0->SC3 = 0;        // No hardware averaging

    // set PORTB pin 0 to high drive here

         for (int i=0; i
             volatile uint16_t rise_read=IN.read_u16();
             volatile uint16_t fall_read=IN.read_u16();
        int32_t sum=0;
        for (int i=0;i<COLLECT; i++)
             int32_t rise_read=IN.read_u16();
             sum += rise_read - IN.read_u16();
        square_out.input(); // hiZ state when not driving pulses

        USB_io.printf("%10d\t%7.5f\n", since_start.read_us(), sum*(Vdd/COLLECT/(1<<16))); // scale output to volts

There is still a lot that needs to be done to make this a finished project, but I’ve convinced myself that it is doable as freshman design project, which is all I really needed to do.

Filed under: Circuits course, freshman design seminar Tagged: Arduino, bioengineering, circuits, conductivity, electrodes, KL25Z

Using KL25Z for measuring salinity

Continuing the series of posts on measuring salinity with a couple of resistors and microprocessor

  1. Towards automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution describes another possible freshman design project: a conductivity meter using the KL25Z board.
  2. More on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution looks at waveforms for square waves generated using PWM on the KL25Z board.  In this post I found that 100kHz square waves would work well.
  3. Still more on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution looks at waveforms for bursts of square waves generated by an Arduino board.  The bursts are limited to about 4kHz, but that may be good enough for a conductivity meter.

Today I started over on using the KL25Z board.  Since I wasn’t interested in precise frequencies, I didn’t use the PWM output this time, but used the same trick I used on the Arduino board: flipping the output bit, reading a sample, and repeating in a burst.

I record the sum of the differences between the high and low readings, and report the average at the end of each burst.  By using 40,000 cycles of warmup in each burst (discarded), then averaging over the next 10,000 cycles, I get a voltage reading that has a standard deviation of about 0.1mV on a reading of 2.843V, which is about 14–15 bits of accuracy.  The voltage reading is not constant, though, but drifts downward.

(click to embiggen) Voltage difference at undriven electrode as a function of time. The two sudden steps were probably the result of my jostling the table by putting down my teacup too hard.

I don’t have an explanation of the gradual drift in the voltage. I don’t think that this is a change in the salinity of the solution (which should be unchanged or increasing slowly due to evaporation). but a change in the characteristics of the electrodes. More likely, it is a change in the characteristics of the electrodes.  The sudden shifts when the table was jostled may be due to electrodes shifting their position in the cup or the release of a bubble.  Releasing a bubble should increase the surface area of the electrode and hence increase the conductivity and the voltage difference at the undriven electrode.  The gradual downward shift could be due to building up tiny hydrogen bubbles (too small to see) on the negative electrode.  The changes in voltage observed here are less than 0.1%, which is fairly respectable for a homebrew instrument.

Here is the (undocumented, throw-away) code that I wrote today to test out the ideas of an automatic salinity measurement system using a KL25Z:

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalInOut square_out(PTB0);   // PTB0=arduino A0
//PTB0, PTB1, PTD6, and PTD7 I/O have both high drive and normal drive capability selected by the associated PTx_PCRn[DSE] control bit.

AnalogIn IN(PTB1);  // PTB1=Arduino A1

Serial USB_io(USBTX, USBRX);  // defaults to 9600 8N1 (reset in main to 115200 baud)
Timer since_start;

#define WARMUP (40000)    // number of cycles of toggling output before collecting data
#define COLLECT (10000)   // number of cycles of data to sum for each output
#define Vdd (3.3)      // High voltage at output
int main()

    //DEFAULT configuration of analog input
    ADC0->CFG1 = ADC_CFG1_ADLPC_MASK    // Low-Power Configuration
               | ADC_CFG1_ADIV(3)       // Clock Divide Select: (Input Clock)/8
               | ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK   // Long Sample Time
               | ADC_CFG1_MODE(3)       // (16)bits Resolution
               | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(1);    // Input Clock: (Bus Clock)/2

    ADC0->CFG2 = ADC_CFG2_MUXSEL_MASK   // ADxxb channels are selected
               | ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK  // Asynchronous Clock Output Enable
               | ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK    // High-Speed Configuration
               | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(0);    // Long Sample Time Select

    ADC0->SC2 = ADC_SC2_REFSEL(0);      // Default Voltage Reference

    ADC0->SC3 = ADC_SC3_AVGE_MASK       // Hardware Average Enable
                | ADC_SC3_AVGS(0);        // 4 Samples Averaged

    // FAST analog input
    ADC0->CFG1 =
                ADC_CFG1_MODE(3)       // (16)bits Resolution
               | ADC_CFG1_ADLSMP_MASK   // Long Sample Time
               | ADC_CFG1_ADICLK(0);    // Input Clock: (Bus Clock)

    ADC0->CFG2 = ADC_CFG2_MUXSEL_MASK   // ADxxb channels are selected
               | ADC_CFG2_ADACKEN_MASK  // Asynchronous Clock Output Enable
               | ADC_CFG2_ADHSC_MASK    // High-Speed Configuration
               | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(0);    // longest "long" Sample Time Select

//             | ADC_CFG2_ADLSTS(3);    // shortest "long" Sample Time Select

    ADC0->SC2 = ADC_SC2_REFSEL(0);      // Default Voltage Reference
    ADC0->SC3 = 0;        // No hardware averaging

    // set PORTB pin 0 to high drive here

         for (int i=0; i
             volatile uint16_t rise_read=IN.read_u16();
             volatile uint16_t fall_read=IN.read_u16();
        int32_t sum=0;
        for (int i=0;i<COLLECT; i++)
             int32_t rise_read=IN.read_u16();
             sum += rise_read - IN.read_u16();
        square_out.input(); // hiZ state when not driving pulses

        USB_io.printf("%10d\t%7.5f\n", since_start.read_us(), sum*(Vdd/COLLECT/(1<<16))); // scale output to volts

There is still a lot that needs to be done to make this a finished project, but I’ve convinced myself that it is doable as freshman design project, which is all I really needed to do.

Filed under: Circuits course, freshman design seminar Tagged: Arduino, bioengineering, circuits, conductivity, electrodes, KL25Z

Still more on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution

In More on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution, I suggested using a simple voltage divider and a microcontroller to make conductivity measurements with polarizable electrodes:

Simplified circuit for conductivity tester.

I found that putting in a 100kHz square wave worked well:

At 100kHz, both the voltage waveforms (input and output) look like pretty good square waves.

I have not yet figured out a good way on the KL25Z to provide the 100kHz signal, sample the outputs at fixed points, and communicate the result out the USB port.  Using PWM for the output was handy for just generating the output (once I fixed mbed’s off-by-one bug in their pwmout_api.c file), but that makes connecting up the analog reads more difficult.  I think that I may be better off not using PWM, but using a timer interrupt to read the analog value, change the output, and do the subtraction.  It would be fairly easy to arrange that (though I’ll probably have to figure out all the registers for the sample-and-hold and the analog-to-digital converter, as the mbed AnalogIn routine is unlikely to have the settings I want to use).   The hard part remains the interface to the host computer, as mbed does not include a simple serial interface and serial monitor like the Arduino IDE. [Correction 2013 Dec 25: my son points out that the mbed development kit has a perfectly usable serial USB interface—I had overlooked the inheritance from "Stream", which has all the functions I thought were missing. I should be able to use the Arduino serial monitor with the Freedom KL25Z board, as long as the serial interface is set up right.]

Because I’m more familiar with the Arduino environment, and because I already have Arduino Data Logger code for the host end of the interface, I started by making a simple loop that toggles the output and reads the value after each change in output.  After repeating this several times (40 or 100), I take the last difference as the output and report that to the data logger.  I couldn’t get the frequency up where I really want it (100kHz), because the Arduino analog-to-digital converter is slow, but I was able to run at about 4kHz, which would be adequate.

Because there needs to be time for the serial communication, I did bursts of pulses with pauses between bursts.  The bursts were alternating as fast as the analog inputs were read for a fixed number of cycles, and the start of the bursts was controlled by the Arduino data logger software. Although the ends of the bursts looked the same on the oscilloscope, with the same peak-to-peak voltage, I got different readings from the Arduino depending on the spacing between the bursts. I’m not sure what is causing the discrepancy.

A difference at the beginnings of the bursts I would understand as the space between the bursts put a DC voltage across the electrodes which gradually charged them up, so that the first few pulses actually end up going outside the range of the ADC:

The bottom of the grid is 0v, and the first pulse goes up to 5.442v. The pulses are at about 4kHz, but the bursts start 50msec apart.

The differences at the ends of the bursts as I change the spacing between bursts are probably also due to the charging, though I don’t see that clearly on the oscilloscope. I really don’t like the idea of having a DC bias across the electrodes, as we get electrolysis, with hydrogen bubbles forming on the more negative electrode. No oxygen bubbles form, probably because any oxygen released is reacting with the stainless steel to form metal oxides. If I increase the voltage and current, I get a lot of hydrogen bubbles on the negative electrode, some rusty looking precipitate coming off the positive electrode (probably an iron oxide), and a white coating building up on the positive electrode (probably a chromium oxide).

By putting a 4.7µF capacitor between the Arduino output and the electrode, I can reduce DC bias on the electrodes and get a more consistent signal from the Arduino, almost independent of the spacing between the bursts:

By using a 25msec spacing between the beginnings of bursts, I can get both the end of the burst and the beginning of the burst on the oscilloscope at once.
Using a 4.7µF capacitor between the square wave output and the electrodes results in sharp peaks across the resistor, but a more consistent reading from the Arduino ADC.

The voltage across the electrodes still does not average to 0v, as the pair of resistors provides a bias voltage halfway between the rails, but the pulse does not really swing rail to rail, but from 0.28v to 4.28v.  I think that the low-pass filter for setting the bias voltage that I suggested in More on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution may be a good idea after all, to make sure that there is no residual DC bias.

I can use the differential inputs of the Bitscope DP01 to look at the voltage across the electrodes and across the resistor to get voltage and current traces for the electrodes:

The central horizontal line is 0V for both traces here. The green trace is the voltage at the undriven electrode (@ 2v/division) and so corresponds to the current, and the yellow trace is the voltage between the electrodes (@0.2v/division).

Note that the voltage on the undriven electrode does run a little below 0V, outside the range of the Arduino ADC.  The voltage ratio of 0.248v/4.16v, together with the 100Ω Thévenin equivalent resistance results in a 5.47Ω resistance between the electrodes.  (Note: this is no longer a 1M NaCl solution—there has been evaporation, plus contamination from iron oxides, and the electrodes are not covered to the depth defined by the plastic spacer.)

I don’t know whether the conductivity meter is a good project for the freshman design seminar or not—I don’t expect the students to have the circuit skills or the programming skills to be able to do a design like this without a lot of coaching.  Even figuring out that they need to eliminate DC bias to eliminate electrolysis may be too much for them, though I do expect all to have had at least high-school chemistry. It is probably worth doing a demo of putting a large current through electrodes in salt solution, to show both the hydrogen bubbles and the formation of the oxides.  I could probably coach freshmen through the design, if they were interested in doing it, so I’ll leave it on the feasible list.

The square-wave analysis is not really suitable for a circuits course, so I think I’ll stick with sine-wave excitation for that course.

Filed under: Circuits course, freshman design seminar Tagged: Arduino, bioengineering, circuits, conductivity, electrodes, KL25Z, voltage divider

Still more on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution

In More on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution, I suggested using a simple voltage divider and a microcontroller to make conductivity measurements with polarizable electrodes:

Simplified circuit for conductivity tester.

I found that putting in a 100kHz square wave worked well:

At 100kHz, both the voltage waveforms (input and output) look like pretty good square waves.

I have not yet figured out a good way on the KL25Z to provide the 100kHz signal, sample the outputs at fixed points, and communicate the result out the USB port.  Using PWM for the output was handy for just generating the output (once I fixed mbed’s off-by-one bug in their pwmout_api.c file), but that makes connecting up the analog reads more difficult.  I think that I may be better off not using PWM, but using a timer interrupt to read the analog value, change the output, and do the subtraction.  It would be fairly easy to arrange that (though I’ll probably have to figure out all the registers for the sample-and-hold and the analog-to-digital converter, as the mbed AnalogIn routine is unlikely to have the settings I want to use).   The hard part remains the interface to the host computer, as mbed does not include a simple serial interface and serial monitor like the Arduino IDE. [Correction 2013 Dec 25: my son points out that the mbed development kit has a perfectly usable serial USB interface—I had overlooked the inheritance from "Stream", which has all the functions I thought were missing. I should be able to use the Arduino serial monitor with the Freedom KL25Z board, as long as the serial interface is set up right.]

Because I’m more familiar with the Arduino environment, and because I already have Arduino Data Logger code for the host end of the interface, I started by making a simple loop that toggles the output and reads the value after each change in output.  After repeating this several times (40 or 100), I take the last difference as the output and report that to the data logger.  I couldn’t get the frequency up where I really want it (100kHz), because the Arduino analog-to-digital converter is slow, but I was able to run at about 4kHz, which would be adequate.

Because there needs to be time for the serial communication, I did bursts of pulses with pauses between bursts.  The bursts were alternating as fast as the analog inputs were read for a fixed number of cycles, and the start of the bursts was controlled by the Arduino data logger software. Although the ends of the bursts looked the same on the oscilloscope, with the same peak-to-peak voltage, I got different readings from the Arduino depending on the spacing between the bursts. I’m not sure what is causing the discrepancy.

A difference at the beginnings of the bursts I would understand as the space between the bursts put a DC voltage across the electrodes which gradually charged them up, so that the first few pulses actually end up going outside the range of the ADC:

The bottom of the grid is 0v, and the first pulse goes up to 5.442v. The pulses are at about 4kHz, but the bursts start 50msec apart.

The differences at the ends of the bursts as I change the spacing between bursts are probably also due to the charging, though I don’t see that clearly on the oscilloscope. I really don’t like the idea of having a DC bias across the electrodes, as we get electrolysis, with hydrogen bubbles forming on the more negative electrode. No oxygen bubbles form, probably because any oxygen released is reacting with the stainless steel to form metal oxides. If I increase the voltage and current, I get a lot of hydrogen bubbles on the negative electrode, some rusty looking precipitate coming off the positive electrode (probably an iron oxide), and a white coating building up on the positive electrode (probably a chromium oxide).

By putting a 4.7µF capacitor between the Arduino output and the electrode, I can reduce DC bias on the electrodes and get a more consistent signal from the Arduino, almost independent of the spacing between the bursts:

By using a 25msec spacing between the beginnings of bursts, I can get both the end of the burst and the beginning of the burst on the oscilloscope at once.
Using a 4.7µF capacitor between the square wave output and the electrodes results in sharp peaks across the resistor, but a more consistent reading from the Arduino ADC.

The voltage across the electrodes still does not average to 0v, as the pair of resistors provides a bias voltage halfway between the rails, but the pulse does not really swing rail to rail, but from 0.28v to 4.28v.  I think that the low-pass filter for setting the bias voltage that I suggested in More on automatic measurement of conductivity of saline solution may be a good idea after all, to make sure that there is no residual DC bias.

I can use the differential inputs of the Bitscope DP01 to look at the voltage across the electrodes and across the resistor to get voltage and current traces for the electrodes:

The central horizontal line is 0V for both traces here. The green trace is the voltage at the undriven electrode (@ 2v/division) and so corresponds to the current, and the yellow trace is the voltage between the electrodes (@0.2v/division).

Note that the voltage on the undriven electrode does run a little below 0V, outside the range of the Arduino ADC.  The voltage ratio of 0.248v/4.16v, together with the 100Ω Thévenin equivalent resistance results in a 5.47Ω resistance between the electrodes.  (Note: this is no longer a 1M NaCl solution—there has been evaporation, plus contamination from iron oxides, and the electrodes are not covered to the depth defined by the plastic spacer.)

I don’t know whether the conductivity meter is a good project for the freshman design seminar or not—I don’t expect the students to have the circuit skills or the programming skills to be able to do a design like this without a lot of coaching.  Even figuring out that they need to eliminate DC bias to eliminate electrolysis may be too much for them, though I do expect all to have had at least high-school chemistry. It is probably worth doing a demo of putting a large current through electrodes in salt solution, to show both the hydrogen bubbles and the formation of the oxides.  I could probably coach freshmen through the design, if they were interested in doing it, so I’ll leave it on the feasible list.

The square-wave analysis is not really suitable for a circuits course, so I think I’ll stick with sine-wave excitation for that course.

Filed under: Circuits course, freshman design seminar Tagged: Arduino, bioengineering, circuits, conductivity, electrodes, KL25Z, voltage divider

Mac OS 10.6.8 kernel bug

Today I managed to tickle a rather nasty kernel bug in Mac OS 10.6.8 on my laptop.  The bug resulted in unkillable zombie processes—including one stuck in a busy-wait loop that took up 100% of the CPU (in kernel mode). You can’t kill the processes (not even “kill -9″ works), and you can’t shut down or restart the computer—only power cycling works.

Here is how I tickled the bug:

  1. I had a KL25Z board plugged into a USB slot, providing data at 115200 baud.
  2. I started a python program that read the stream from the USB and echoed it to the terminal window:
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    from __future__ import print_function,division
    from glob import glob
    from serial import Serial
    USB_serial_ports = glob("/dev/tty.usb*")
    print ("# Possible ports = {}".format(USB_serial_ports))
    usb_serial = Serial(USB_serial_ports[0],baudrate=115200,timeout=5);
    print ("# Opened {}".format(usb_serial))
        for line in usb_serial:
           print (line.strip())
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
  3. I used ^C to kill the python program and close the port.  So far, everything was working great.  The program echoed the stream from the KL25Z board nicely to the terminal window, and the try-except block caught the ^C interrupt and (presumably) closed the port.
  4. I started the python program again.  This time, it was unable to open the USB serial port (never getting to the “Opened” print statement), and could not be killed. The Activity Monitor showed that the kernel was using 100% of a CPU core (I have a dual-core MacBook Pro, so this was only half the available CPU). I tried ^C, Force Quit, and “kill -9″ with the process number of the Python process—none had any effect. ^Z claimed that the process was suspended, but the kernel was still in a busy-wait loop, and attempting to kill the suspended process had no effect on either the kernel busy-wait or the Python process.
  5. Unplugging the USB cable stopped the kernel busy-wait loop (at least the system CPU usage dropped from 100% down to 2%), but the Python process was still unkillable.

I could do this cycle repeatedly, since each time I plugged in the cable to the KL25Z board the Mac assigned a new device number, and I could thereby build up a lot of unkillable Python processes.  Eventually, I got tired of the large number of unkillable processes, and tried restarting the computer.  It got to the blue screen, then spun the waiting icon forever (well, longer than I was willing to wait), so I had to use option-power to turn off the computer.  It rebooted fine.

I have so such trouble with the Arduino Duemilanove board (which resets whenever the USB serial port is opened).  The same Python program also works fine with the Arduino Leonardo board, which does not reset.  I can run my little echoing program, ^C it, and run it again to continue getting the stream from the board.

There must be some difference between how the Leonardo sets up the USB serial connection and how the KL25Z board does it—a difference that causes a kernel busy-wait when reopening the stream from the KL25Z, but not when re-opening the stream from the Leonardo.  Since the default serial setup is the same for both, I’m a little mystified what that could be.

Of course, I’m now left with a bit of a dilemma—how do I record data from the KL25Z board without having to unplug and replug the USB cable for every event I want to record?

I looked around the Web to see if anyone else had similar problems.  It does seem to have been a problem with OS 10.6 in other USB contexts:

And the stackoverflow answers suggest that the problem is buggy device driver, but I’ve no idea which device driver either the Leonardo or the KL25Z board (with MBED firmware) causes to be used on the Mac.  Are they using different drivers?  How do I find out?


According to the USB Prober application, the KL25Z board opens with

           4: MBED CMSIS-DAP@4100000  <class IOUSBDevice>
               AppleUSBCDC  <class AppleUSBCDC>
               USB_MSC@0  <class IOUSBInterface>
                   IOUSBMassStorageClass  <class IOUSBMassStorageClass>
               IOUSBInterface@1  <class IOUSBInterface>
                   AppleUSBCDCACMControl  <class AppleUSBCDCACMControl>
               IOUSBInterface@2  <class IOUSBInterface>
                   AppleUSBCDCACMData  <class AppleUSBCDCACMData>
                       IOModemSerialStreamSync  <class IOModemSerialStreamSync>
               MBED CMSIS-DAP@3  <class IOUSBInterface>
                   IOUSBHIDDriver  <class IOUSBHIDDriver>
                       IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface>

while the Leonardo opens with

           3: Arduino Leonardo@6200000  <class IOUSBDevice>
               AppleUSBCDC  <class AppleUSBCDC>
               IOUSBInterface@0  <class IOUSBInterface>
                   AppleUSBCDCACMControl  <class AppleUSBCDCACMControl>
               IOUSBInterface@1  <class IOUSBInterface>
                   AppleUSBCDCACMData  <class AppleUSBCDCACMData>
                       IOModemSerialStreamSync  <class IOModemSerialStreamSync>
               IOUSBInterface@2  <class IOUSBInterface>
                   IOUSBHIDDriver  <class IOUSBHIDDriver>
                       IOHIDInterface  <class IOHIDInterface>

The biggest difference seems to be that the KL25Z board (with MBED firmware) offers one more interface—the mass-storage interface that is used for downloading programs to the board. I don’t understand a lot of what I can see poking around with USB Prober, but I’m not seeing anything else that looks like a significant difference between the Leonardo board and the KL25Z (with MBED firmware). Certainly the serial interface specs look identical, so far as I can tell.

Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Arduino, busy wait, kernel bug, KL25Z, Mac OS X