Posts with «avr» label

Servo recommendations

Can anyone recommend a strong servo compatible with Arduino? Ideally I'm looking for:

  • Speed
  • Torque
  • Compatible with existing libraries

I'll have a separate power supply, so the voltage isn't too important.

I'm a newb, so any thoughts/recommendations appreciated from those with experience.

Let's Make Robots 04 Apr 19:20
arduino  avr  servo  

Intel Edison Arduino Expansion ---> dymanixel motors

I was wondering what the best method to control DYNAMIXEL AX-18A motors from an Intel Edison with arduino expansion board would be, I have teh Arbotix-M, the UartSBee, the Edison with Arduino Expansion Board, and the Arduino Uno. I really want to make it so that I can use the Intel Edison w/ expansion board, and send that to the Arbotix-M. Can you help me?


hc-06 paired to Android and PC but disconnected

The hc-06 is paired to the computer and Android but disconnected. I get as far is entering the 1234 passkey, Then, " your device is ready for use". Then I go to Bluetooth Devices and the HC-06 is disconnected.

Any help is appreciated.


Let's Make Robots 03 Jan 12:54
arduino  avr  

How to control a two motors and encoders in a single function?

Dear: LMR

Just to let you know I am trying to control all my robots motors and encoders in a single function. It is not going so well obviously since I am starting a forum. This code is supposed to work that function void move has parameters that are leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed, leftMotorDistance, and rightMotorDistance. Left and Right motor speed control the motor's speed. The other parameters represent the number of ticks the motors are supposed to tick. When they reach a certain amount of ticks the function returns. As should the loop function.

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Let's Make Robots 31 Dec 12:47
arduino  avr  

Arduino uploading issue?

Dear: LMR

Just to let you know I am trying to upload code to my arduino uno but I keep running into this error every time I do so. Can someone please help me I don't think this is anything to do with my code I'm trying to upload? Thank you.

From: Noah



Arduino: 1.6.7 (Windows 8), Board: "Arduino Uno"


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Let's Make Robots 29 Dec 16:41
arduino  avr  upload  

raspberry + arduino / webiopi + firmata (python)

Im buildin internet controlled rc car with arduino, arduino motor shield and raspberry.
So how to use firmata and webiopi at the same time.

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Video tutorial on wireless XBee serial with the Due and DynamixShield

I just uploaded a new video tutorial on how to perform wireless communications using Grove XBee sockets with two Arduino Dues and the DynamixShield. This is part of my Kickstarter campaign to get the DynamixShield produced commercially. It lets you control smart and regular servos, and has tons of Grove and RobotGeek connectors, all in one shield.

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Humanoid concept Arduino

This concept to make a humanoid head, that speaks like a human, chooses phrases randomly. As (it) speaks , it moves head, eyeballs and eyebrows randomly in an emulation of a human. This can be useful for lonely people who cannot have a pet at home.

This is the basic idea..Later it is possible to develope it further to talk longer durations, and even tell short stories stored on an SD card.

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Humanoid concept Arduino

This concept to make a humanoid head, that speaks like a human, chooses phrases randomly. As (it) speaks , it moves head, eyeballs and eyebrows randomly in an emulation of a human. This can be useful for lonely people who cannot have a pet at home.

This is the basic idea..Later it is possible to develope it further to talk longer durations, and even tell short stories stored on an SD card.

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Motor control or servo control


I came across this circuit on google. It controls motor speed by simple flip-flop that gives a PWM signal.

The question is can this be used as a servo control ?

first use 5 volts supply instead of 12 volts ...then by replacing the 3RD NPN transistor with a servo. the + goes up, the - goes down and the signal feeds from the flip flop...can we do that ??