Posts with «around the world» label

Help bring maker culture and hacker spaces to Iraq.

A friend of mine is doing a KickStarter project to run a livestream conference and a temporary hackerspace in Baghad this fall. Bilal Ghalib (of GEMSI) has been working to bring maker culture and hacker spaces to the Middle East, for example by organizing a temporary maker space at the Maker Faire Cairo in 2011.

Here are some details of the workshops they’re organizing:

  • Riwaya wa Bidaya (Oct 5): A livestream conference to share stories of everyday superheroes in Baghdad who take initiative to solve problems. We are inviting submissions until Sept 22 [apply here!] – top stories will be illustrated by a professional graphic comic book artist and published in Arabic and English.
  • ‘Amal wa Amal (Oct 18-19): In collaboration with TEDxBaghdad, we are setting up a temporary community hackerspace to share local tools and solutions. We hope this will provide an inspiration for an ongoing community and hackerspace to develop in Baghdad.

Please help support the KickStarter project.

Arduino Workshop a Roma 29-30 Sept 2012 [Arduino Tour]

Ecco il primo di una serie di workshop che Officine Arduino organizzerà in Italia. Quale luogo migliore da cui iniziare se non la capitale? Abbiamo parlato / immaginato / organizzato con molte persone in questi mesi – da Trieste in giù – ed il buon Alex Giordano lo ha già ribattezzato come il “Tour di Arduino“. Ci accontentiamo di portare workshop dove non sono mai stati, e quindi al Sud, nelle isole. Vogliamo rispondere alle decine di mail di utenti che hanon chiesto e chiedono un workshop a casa loro.

Oggi ci accontentiamo di annunciare questo workshop, che non sarebbe stato possibile senza l’appoggio di Cattid- Centro di Ricerca sulla Comunicazione e la Tecnologia dell’Università la “Sapienza” di Roma e gli amici di DiScienza, una associazione italiana di cui abbiamo parlato spesso, organizzatori dell’annuale Arduino Day che si tiene ogni anno proprio a Roma.

Una talk pubblica su Arduino e l’Educazione, con la spiegazione di vari progetti e possibilità di fare domande e networking é prevista in venerdì 28 settembre in luogo da definirsi. Qualora foste interessati iscrivetevi qui.

Abbiamo anche cercato di venire incontro ad alcune problematiche che sorgono quando si organizzano eventi in giro. Cosa succede se non avvengono vicino a te? Proprio per questo lanciamo un servizio abbastanza rudimentale: un form in cui potete dire dove siete e noi, una volta raggiunto un certo numero di persone vi informiamo in anticipo sulle date e i posti.

Ovviamente non volevamo escludere gli utenti del vivace forum italiano, ai quali offriamo di partecipare gratuitamente alla parte di realizzazione dei progetti della domenica. Per ovvie ragioni abbiamo dovuto limitare il numero di fruitori di questo servizio (che testiamo proprio in questa occasione) al numero di 5 persone. E’ molto importante supportare piccole realtà (non tanto piccole nel caso di Roma, ovviamente) di Smanettoni Arduinici Urbani (i famosi SAU).

Dubbi, domande, perplessità? visitate la pagina del workshop o scrivete a d.gomba(at)

Arduino Barcamp ZgZ 2012 – Fotografías

El pasado fin de semana Arduteka, en colaboración con Cooking Hacks y el proyecto Milla Digital del ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, celebraron la Arduino Barcamp más multitudinaria realizada hasta la fecha en España.

Ponencias de todo tipo, desde impresoras 3D hasta las novedades que acontecen al mundo Arduino de la mano de David Cuartielles, pasando por algo de software libre como Plasma Active, un entorno KDE para dispositivos móviles, hicieron las delicias de todos los asistentes al evento.

Via | Arduteka

Time-based OTP with Arduino

One-time-password (OTP) and its time-based version (time-based OTP, or simply TOTP) are commodity solutions to provide a second factor, in addition to simple passwords, for authentication.

Here Jose Damico proposes his way to implement a simple TOTP device using only open-source tools. The core of the project is an Arduino board connected to a small LCD. From the software perspective, the SHA-1 library comes from Cryptosuite, a cryptographic library for Arduino.

The device, which is OATH-compliant, will be presented soon to the “13th Fórum Internacional Software Livre“, that will be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in next July 25-28.

More information can be found here.

[Via: Hack A Day]

Introducing Maker – Michael Shiloh

photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid

Teach me to make” as simple as it sounds is a simple yet powerful effort on wordpress by a maker from USA. Apart from being a true maker, Michael Shiloh is an absolutely delightful and an approachable person to talk to. His sense of purpose in his work was very much apparent in my short, yet interesting conversation with him. Here are some widely and less known things about the teacher, student and entrepreneur.

Priya: What brought your interest in electronics? What is the very first project that you fondly remember completing till date?
Michael: Ever since I remember, I have been taking things apart and putting them back. The important thing is to pay attention to details while doing that. Like, where the screw fits, what part goes where, what are the names of the parts etc. even if one is not able to know the full functioning one should be able to call the parts by the name and know where they fit and what they do. Growing up at a time with limited resources, left only one option of harvesting old electronic parts. I suggest every aspiring-maker to do that!

(Gives a pause) As for the finishing part, I never finished a lot of projects, and I had a LOT of unfinished projects sitting around me in my room. But the important part was, that I caught hold of a lot of basics while making them. Not stopping, is important.

P: What drives your passion for Arduino and open source hardware?
M: 10 years back, I started a project called Teleo based on PIC which was on similar lines as an Arduino, just not with an IDE. Hence, a simple prototype for students to interact has always been my passion.

P: You talk about 3 methods of your teaching – contraption building, physical computing, and open source advocacy. What is Contraption building as defined by you?
M: Interesting question! Contraption, is an idea of a prototype in its raw un-polished form. It is the fastest way to check if what you assume in theory is in fact practical or not. I always encourage contraption as it makes understanding and explaining easier of the internal working mechanisms of an idea.

P: How is it different from Physical computing?
M: Contraption building, may or may not include electronics. It can be purely mechanical, say, just a few wheels, pulleys and a rubber band? Physical computing on the other hand needs an inclusion of electronics.

P: What do you think is the right approach to Advocate Open source hardware?
M: The right approach is to teach the concept of sharing knowledge, Eg: Pythagoras Theorem. Its a shared piece of knowledge which is applied everywhere, new theorems are proven using the age old theorem. The strength of Open source hardware is not only the product, but what people do using the product.

P: In all your teaching classes, What do you think is the biggest attraction for any individual towards Arduino?
M: (Laughs) I am yet to find a concept or topic where Arduino has not been used. Type on google, ‘The concept + Arduino’ and voila! You have an application. BE it gardening, space, music or photography, name your interest and there is a way to tinker with it using an Arduino.

P: We hear a lot about media art, as a concept these days. What is special about adding electronics to art?
M: Any Art installation with electronics is based on sensors and actuators. Arduino helps the artist to manipulate the idea in his head and give a more personal and interactive approach to a previously ‘look-but-don’t-touch’ art. Let me call it a more knowledgeable way of interacting?

P: Since you have taken so many workshops and visited so many hackerspaces, what are the few useful tips you might want to give to the maker at home?
M: The most important thing is, to have a space. Space defines purpose. The next is organizing the tools that you have. In my times, I used old shoe boxes with egg-cartons inside to separate the resistors, LEDs and potentiometers. Harvest old electronic items and know what they are used for, they might come of use later. A multimeter is a must have. So are tiny components like LEDs etc. To add intelligence a programing board would be useful, and arduino has a great community support for a maker even at the middle of the night!

Never get intimidated by others polished presentations. The more raw your circuit is, the better it is appreciated among the maker community. Do share the knowledge, including the success and including the failures.

P: What is your role as a part of Arduino?
M: Let me see… We can call it Community Liason. Ill take care of all the minor bugs, wishlist and major issues, bridging the gap between developers and the community.
P: Wow! That sounds exciting! On a separate note, what would be your Ideal birthday gift?
M: Since there is SO much to build and manage, that would be – time.

A full bios of Michael alongwith his latest work can be read here.

Arduino Camp 2012

Gli hackers credono di poter apprendere lezioni essenziali sui sistemi (sul mondo) smontando le cose, vedendo come funzionano, ed utilizzare questa conoscenza per creare cose nuove e più interessanti.

Steven Levy

Domenica 17 Giugno alle Officine Arduino una quarantina di persone hanno dimostrato la veridicita’ dell’affermazione di S. Levy.

Dall’anno scorso Arduino organizza in Italia l’Arduino Camp , un evento di due giorni che vede il primo giorno dedicato a presentazioni e talk su Arduino, seguito da un secondo giorno di Hack Day su un tema. per vedere video e foto dell’evento consulta il set su Flickr.

Il tema dell’HackDay di quest’anno era costruire un’ orologio/sveglia utilizzando Arduino, un circuito integrato RTC PCF8563 (con quarzo da 32.768 kHz) ed una montagnetta di rifiuti da cui attingere.

Divisi in gruppi di 4 o cinque persone, in poche ore i partecipanti hanno realizzato il proprio progetto. Potete leggere il resoconto della giornata qui.

La giuria (composta da Aurelio Balestra, Massimo Poti’, Fabio Varesano, Uwe Federer e Federico) alle 17 :30 ha iniziato ad esaminare i risultati dei vari gruppi ed ha decretato come vincitori il gruppo Clock Cloud, che ha creato un manufatto riciclando un vecchio giradischi e sostituendo gran parte della meccanica e dell’elettronica interne con una scheda Arduino Uno, uno shield Ethernet , un buzzer, uno stepper motor e varie parti meccaniche per  realizzare un riduttore.


Il gruppo, composto da Stella, Giulio, Bissaorboea e Diego cosi’  descrive il funzionamento dell’ oggetto:

Il sistema sfrutta le API di Google per leggere la presenza di un allarme sul Google Calendar e l’ora corrente. Arduino pilota lo stepper all’ora corretta e se c’è un allarme attivo provvede a far suonare il buzzer. L’intera modifica ha preservato l’aspetto fisico e conservato il design utilizzando i caratteri e i colori del tempo.

Un lavoro ben fatto, che prevedeva addirittura dei gadget per la campagna di lancio sul mercato!

Congratulazioni ai vincitori, un grosso ringraziamento ai partecipanti ed ai volontari che hanno prestato aiuto ed a Toolbox per il supporto.

Arrivederci al prossimo Arduino Camp.


Massimo’s Talk at TEDGlobal

We are really thrilled to blog Massimo’s delightful talk of yesterday about Arduino and the open hardware movement: TED team chose it to be the first video to be traslated and released for everybody to see.



Open Source Hardware Convention 2012 Madrid: Call for papers

The Open Source Hardware, Electronics and Robotics Convention is a 3-day event organized by the Synusia collective. The aim of the Convention is to extend the Open Source Software and to promote electronics and the philosophy of “do it yourself”. The event will take place in Madrid at the Centro de Formación Padre Piquer,  from the 21 to 23 September 2012. During the Convention, visitors will be able to attend and participate in lectures, workshops, round table discussions, and exhibitions of personal projects. The Convention is currently seeking submissions for papers and talks. Deadline for papers: 23 of July.

For more information:

Arduino around the world – Africa

A blog post touched my heart.

While learning Clojure some years ago I stumbled upon a project that used Clojure and Arduino. Immediately, I wanted to try it out, I searched for where to get a board within my city(Port-Harcourt) or my country. I was disappointed , there was not a single distributor within the whole West Africa. It occurred to me that I may not be the only one facing this challenge and for my subcontinent to reduce poverty, we need to be part of Arduino world. How would they hack if there is no prototype board to play with? Who would supply boards when there is no distributor? These were the questions that came to my mind. Thereafter, I seized this wonderful opportunity and approached Arduino manufacturing team for distributorship. I was surprised that my application was approved. They even encouraged me to have online presence which they would link to.

Such a problem is faced by many people of the developing economy world. The first step to learning is to have access to learning tools.

One may ask what about Electrical/Electronics engineers? Well, we have them, and they have started showcasing their “unique capabilities”. Most University kids in Nigeria do not spend enough time with Micro-controllers and Microprocessors or should I say that they are intimidated. But they still yearn for a simple platform to help them get started.

“Now the good news, school kids in faraway Ghana are using Arduino boards in their Physics practicals. This is amazing! Thanks to a dutch volunteer who asked for Arduino boards in order to engage his pupils. Another wonderful story , very close to my heart is that of a secondary school kid from a privileged home(in Lagos) whose hobby is to hack Arduino board.” Writes the Nigerian Distributor.

Are you a maker in a developing nation? Would you like to spread the Arduino message? Or has Arduino touched your life in a special way? Do write to us.


Arduino Blog 07 May 09:13

iOS and arduino – A talk

Alasdair Allan, author of Learning iPhone Programming, Programming iPhone Sensors, and iOS Sensor Apps with Arduino, sat down with MAKE’s Dale Dougherty to talk about getting iOS devices and Arduino talking to each other.

The words of an Astrophysicist turned maker!



Arduino Blog 02 May 20:48