Posts with «announcement» label

Arduino IDE 1.6.2 released and available for download

A new version of the Arduino IDE (1.6.2) is available at the download page!

The Arduino IDE 1.6.2 features new one click install of boards and libraries.

With 1.6.2, two new menu items are available: “Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries…” and “Tools > Board > Boards Manager…”

We have written two guides that explain how to use them. Discover how to use the Library Manager and how to install support for additional boards.

If you don’t find your preferred library in the list, let us know: open an issue on github and request us to add the library you love!

Having such tools allow us to better and easier deliver updates for both cores and libraries: just open Library Manager or Boards Manager to find an Update button on the updatable items.

IDE 1.6.2 also includes a handful of bug fixes and improvements, also thanks to our fantastic community of hackers and makers:

  • Ever suffered of a super slow Tools menu? Solved! Ports list gets refreshed in background, so you won’t need to wait any more.
  • We have dropped support for Mac OS X 10.6 or older: previous versions of the IDE will remain available for download at the previous releases page.
  • A new EEPROM library, thanks to @Chris–A
  • Pre and post build hooks, thanks to @Wackerbarth
  • Various bug fixes, thanks to @Timmmm, @vicatcu, @arve0 and @Xuth

As usual, the complete list of fixes and credits is available here.

Don’t forget to report any issue you find, either on Github or on the Arduino forum: your help is very much appreciated. It doesn’t matter if you are not a tech specialist: every feedback adds value.

Session of work on 1.6.3 will start on Monday: we are now enjoying  Arduino Day!

Exceptionally Hard and Soft meeting at Berlin 28-30 December 2012 (Part1)

Ever wished for a really geeky end of the year? Wondering where to get all the latest awesomeness in the hardware world and get to see the people behind it? Reach out for Exceptionally Hard and Soft Meeting (EHSM) 2012 in the beautiful city of Berlin.

Here is a list of confirmed speakers to give you an insight into why you must attend:

The keynote speaker is Will Jack a 17 year old who apart from building a nuclear fusion reactor, recently built a writing pen for himself because he wanted one.

ICs are really small and badass but you can learn the technique of Reverse engineering it from John McMaster. His work can be seen on

Wires are the veins of an electrical circuit and Adrian Lelong would teach you wire characterization and diagnosis using various methods which is essential for the critical applications.

What new can be innovated in the technology behind music? Kaspar Emanuel would share his experiences behind a startup AlphaSphere doing the exact same job. AlphaSphere is a new musical instrument designed exclusively for electronic music. He would talk about the approach of open Innovation behind it.

If film deposition, plasma etching, linear particle accelerator, electron beam microscope, electron beam welding, molecular beam epitaxy are your favorite words, then you would surely enjoy the talk by Sylvain Radix and David Rochelet where they describe their success and failures in electrolab while building high-end vacuum systems the step 1 for various purposes stated above.

Coding and debugging without Java? Yes, using the web browser, also you would learn to tweak the CPU with Yann Guidon and Laura Bécognée and demoing YASEP.

A talk by by Stefan Sydow and Sebastian Koch would be on software defined radio with aircraft radio transponders head to metafly to see its live application.

Don’t have a complete idea on all the above technologies? Want your child over 7 years of age to start with her first tech at the conference? Your beloved arduino might be there too, to take a workshop on ‘Getting started with arduino’ for children and beginners.

Head over here to read about more amazing people or wait for part 2 for more announcements on the speakers.

Heard enough already? Head here to book tickets now!

Introducing Maker – Michael Shiloh

photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid

Teach me to make” as simple as it sounds is a simple yet powerful effort on wordpress by a maker from USA. Apart from being a true maker, Michael Shiloh is an absolutely delightful and an approachable person to talk to. His sense of purpose in his work was very much apparent in my short, yet interesting conversation with him. Here are some widely and less known things about the teacher, student and entrepreneur.

Priya: What brought your interest in electronics? What is the very first project that you fondly remember completing till date?
Michael: Ever since I remember, I have been taking things apart and putting them back. The important thing is to pay attention to details while doing that. Like, where the screw fits, what part goes where, what are the names of the parts etc. even if one is not able to know the full functioning one should be able to call the parts by the name and know where they fit and what they do. Growing up at a time with limited resources, left only one option of harvesting old electronic parts. I suggest every aspiring-maker to do that!

(Gives a pause) As for the finishing part, I never finished a lot of projects, and I had a LOT of unfinished projects sitting around me in my room. But the important part was, that I caught hold of a lot of basics while making them. Not stopping, is important.

P: What drives your passion for Arduino and open source hardware?
M: 10 years back, I started a project called Teleo based on PIC which was on similar lines as an Arduino, just not with an IDE. Hence, a simple prototype for students to interact has always been my passion.

P: You talk about 3 methods of your teaching – contraption building, physical computing, and open source advocacy. What is Contraption building as defined by you?
M: Interesting question! Contraption, is an idea of a prototype in its raw un-polished form. It is the fastest way to check if what you assume in theory is in fact practical or not. I always encourage contraption as it makes understanding and explaining easier of the internal working mechanisms of an idea.

P: How is it different from Physical computing?
M: Contraption building, may or may not include electronics. It can be purely mechanical, say, just a few wheels, pulleys and a rubber band? Physical computing on the other hand needs an inclusion of electronics.

P: What do you think is the right approach to Advocate Open source hardware?
M: The right approach is to teach the concept of sharing knowledge, Eg: Pythagoras Theorem. Its a shared piece of knowledge which is applied everywhere, new theorems are proven using the age old theorem. The strength of Open source hardware is not only the product, but what people do using the product.

P: In all your teaching classes, What do you think is the biggest attraction for any individual towards Arduino?
M: (Laughs) I am yet to find a concept or topic where Arduino has not been used. Type on google, ‘The concept + Arduino’ and voila! You have an application. BE it gardening, space, music or photography, name your interest and there is a way to tinker with it using an Arduino.

P: We hear a lot about media art, as a concept these days. What is special about adding electronics to art?
M: Any Art installation with electronics is based on sensors and actuators. Arduino helps the artist to manipulate the idea in his head and give a more personal and interactive approach to a previously ‘look-but-don’t-touch’ art. Let me call it a more knowledgeable way of interacting?

P: Since you have taken so many workshops and visited so many hackerspaces, what are the few useful tips you might want to give to the maker at home?
M: The most important thing is, to have a space. Space defines purpose. The next is organizing the tools that you have. In my times, I used old shoe boxes with egg-cartons inside to separate the resistors, LEDs and potentiometers. Harvest old electronic items and know what they are used for, they might come of use later. A multimeter is a must have. So are tiny components like LEDs etc. To add intelligence a programing board would be useful, and arduino has a great community support for a maker even at the middle of the night!

Never get intimidated by others polished presentations. The more raw your circuit is, the better it is appreciated among the maker community. Do share the knowledge, including the success and including the failures.

P: What is your role as a part of Arduino?
M: Let me see… We can call it Community Liason. Ill take care of all the minor bugs, wishlist and major issues, bridging the gap between developers and the community.
P: Wow! That sounds exciting! On a separate note, what would be your Ideal birthday gift?
M: Since there is SO much to build and manage, that would be – time.

A full bios of Michael alongwith his latest work can be read here.