Minimalduino v.105: Curvy Trace Fun

I've been trying out some Hope RFM12B radio modules-- very cool and inexpensive!-- which run off 3.3V. I've been using MinimalDuinos since they're 5V/3.3V switchable, and I got three version .97 boards made last year, with curvy traces, and they're coming in handy.

I have a few boards I'll need to get made over the next few months, so to warm back up with EAGLE, I polished up a straight (normal) trace version .105 board and set to curving it up. It took about an hour and a half, going around trace by trace in move mode, lots of command-clicking and dragging in the middle of trace segments to adjust their arcs. I submitted it to the DorkbotPDX PCB order before the deadline hit, and I can't wait to see what I get :) Design files and snapshots can be found here.

A key goal of the design is to have a good single-sided pattern for home etching, so I'll also make one by hand after fattening up as many traces as possible.

V.105 with straight traces:

Compare to V.105C, with curvy traces:

[original story: Jeff's Arduino Blog]