Posts with «tinyclr» label

Arduino Controlled Yellow Plane

Another interesting project by [nickatredbox], you can find this and all others on the [website].

This project is a plane with the Arduino Xbee remote control working on its maiden flight. It worked well no technical issues, very happy with the results

Building the controller was a very interesting curve, learned a lot of practical usage solutions to problems and ended up with a simple piece of code which is always good in my experience, keep it simple but not to simple.


Arduino & Xbee Remote Control

[nickatredbox] has sent this interesting project with Arduino involving wireless comunication. The fun comes when you have to decide to buy something already done or DIY.

I wanted a remote control system of my own design for may various RC model projects planes and boats. I set about researching the options and and Xbee with / Arduino solution poped out as a viable option, having failed performance testing using both WiFi and TinyCLR. The other feature I get as the Xbee is a transceiver is real-time telemetery. I’m sure I could buy this functionality from HobbyKing but where is the fun in that.

More project on the [website]