Posts with «computers & mobile» label

The Light Blue Bean, now on Windows

Punch Through Design has announced the beta release of its long awaited Bean Loader application for Windows 8, so you can now program your Bean directly from your Windows desktop.

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New Project: Smart Remote Control

Combine the Arduino Yún with a simple solderless breadboard circuit to create a homemade 'universal' remote control that you can navigate with your laptop or smartphone.

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Ode to the Gameboy: 10 Projects Based on the Iconic Portable Nintendo

When the Nintendo Gameboy was first released in 1989, it was a tremendous commercial success. Gameboy developed a following among gamers that is in many ways still alive to this day. Here are 10 awesome projects inspired by the venerable Gameboy. Some merge the latest maker electronics with late-80s Gameboy […]

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New Project: S.M.A.R.T. Alarm Clock

Combine the Arduino Yún with a TFT Touch Shield to assemble a homemade alarm clock that automatically sets alarms based on calendar events and even emails with the correct code word. And it looks cool too!

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New Project: Near-Space Balloon Cam with Arduino and APRS Radio

Build this battle-tested rig to launch, track, and recover a high-altitude balloon that will carry your hacked Canon camera to the stratosphere. With this setup using APRS ham radio and the Trackuino — an Arduino-based communications board — any hobbyist or science class can photograph (and video) the Earth against the blackness of space, and bring these amazing images home to share.

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Makers in Space: What Was Old Is New Again

Setting the record straight on the history of Do-It-Yourself satellites.

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Interview with Pinoccio Co-Founder Eric Jennings

Eric Weddington, marketing manager for open source and communities at Atmel, posted an in-depth interview with Pinoccio's Eric Jennings. Pinnoccio is a new, open source hardware company. Their first product is a microcontroller board aimed at creating “a complete ecosystem" for the internet of things. Pinoccio calls their board an "Arduino Mega with wings." It's Raspberry Pi-friendly, too.

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MaKey MaKey in the Maker Shed!

After a delay from hurricane Sandy, MaKey MaKeys have arrived in the Maker Shed! In case you haven't heard, the MaKey MaKey is a Arduino based interface for computer interaction. It lets you to turn nearly any somewhat conductive object (like oranges, bacon, or your labradoodle) into a keyboard key.

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blink(1) the USB RGB LED Status Light

The wonderful gang at ThingM (makers of the blinkM smart LED) have announced an interesting new product is in the works, the blink(1) programmable USB RGB LED status indicator. Plug the little open source nub into most any USB port – laptop, desktop, server, some Android phones, DD-WRT router – and then you can use apps (or create your own) to make the blink(1) LED light up to indicate an event. A tweet just mentioned me? Steady green light. Email from my wife? Three blue blinks. CPU overheating? Red alert!

From the ThingM blog:

ThingM has just launched a Kickstarter for “blink(1)”. A USB RGB LED that builds on our BlinkM Smart LED. It’s a super status light that packs three dimensions of information (color, brightness and pattern) into a single tiny package that fits into any USB port on nearly every device.
It makes it incredibly easy to connect any data source in the cloud or on your computer to a full-color RGB LED so you can know what’s happening without checking any windows, going to any websites, or typing any commands.

I can’t wait to get my hands on one – the Kickstarter is nearly funded, so I’m optimistic – to play around with the development tools. I’d love, for example, to have the Blink(1) tell me when a Renderman render has completed, or if I have a meeting in five minutes.

Blink(1), the USB RGB LED by ThinkM