Posts with «open source hardware» label

Future’s so Bright, I Gotta Wear LED Shades

You can buy the new LED Matrix Shades from macetech on their online store. Or build the original version, now available as an open source design.

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The Open-Source Smartwatch Built by a Teenager

John Wall, 16, built a smart watch instead of taking driver's ed.

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The most advanced Lamp/Speaker is open source and also Arduino at heart

Interacting with objects in a new way has always been the main focus of Digital Habits, a design studio based in Milan.  Today we are proud to announce they’ve become a partner  of the Arduino At Heart program with their new project called Cromatica (it was exhibited at the coveted Fuorisalone Milan Design Week in the Superstudio Temporary Museum for New Design and started the crowdfunding campaign just some days ago!).

Cromatica is half speaker and half desk lamp: it can be controlled through a natural gestural interface, touch sensors or remotely via the Cromatica Android and iOS app. Designed to deliver both light and sound functions, Cromatica features wireless 4.0 Bluetooth connection for streaming music and a RGB lamp for multiple ambient effects.

Cromatica is embedded with an Arduino allowing for a highly digital, multi-sensory music and desktop working experience.  It blends  light and sound functionalities in unexpected ways, taking IoT products to a new level of quality.  For example you can download the app for natural awakening: light will rise and music streaming will start allowing you to wake up to your favourite playlist, perfect for early mornings.

Take a look at the video for the Natural Interaction:

In the video below you can see how you can create your favorite ambient  to match with your mood:

Innocenzo Rifino, Director of Digital Habits, told us:

“The Cromatica is a multi-purpose light-speaker but it is also our vision of the evolution of electronics, a vision that is moving in a more human and open direction. Crowdrooster have helped tremendously by opening our product up to a wider community whilst giving us the chance to generate enough funding to share our concepts more widely.”

The Cromatica is also true to its maker roots being Open Source and hackable, opening the doors for endless innovation from the maker community as it can be adapted to integrate with other tech and the Internet of Things. To enable this there will be a special ‘Maker Edition’ campaign reward complete with digital file to 3D print the shell.

Take a look at their campaign Crowdrooster and make your pledge!
Crowdrooster, the new ‘all tech’ crowdfunding site, introduced Cromatica as the first maker project available for funding on the site.

Makers in Space: What Was Old Is New Again

Setting the record straight on the history of Do-It-Yourself satellites.

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Learn a New Skill in the New Year – Getting Started with Arduino

Why not add learning a new skill to your repertoire in the New Year? I know you've seen loads of projects that use the Arduino, and with special deals on our Getting Started with Arduino Kit, there's no better time to learn how to use this versatile microcontroller.

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Announcing the Arno Kit, an Arduino-compatible “Beginner Kit on a Board”

Kevin and Peter Gould from Olympia Circuits started selling their own Arduino-compatible LeOlympia development boards at the various Maker Faires. In the course of demoing and talking to people they recognized the need for something even simpler to get people into the world of programming microcontrollers. The result is the [...]

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New in the Maker Shed: Arduino Due

The newest Arduino has just arrived in the Maker Shed. The Arduino Due is the first 32-bit ARM powered Arduino and packs a number of high-level features into a low-cost package.

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In the Maker Shed: Using the Minty Mote Arduino Remote

Do you want to add a simple wireless remote control to your Arduino projects without spending a bundle? The Minty Mote Kit (available in the Maker Shed) can be used for door bells, basic home automation, a simple robot controller and more.

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Meet the Rovera: A MAKE Hangout on Air at 2pm PST/5pm PST Today!

Today marks the debut of the bimonthly "editor's choice" hangout on air, live and online on Google+. This week MAKE editorial director Gareth Branwyn will discuss robots and the Rovera, a new Arduino-powered robot now available in the Maker Shed. As we typically do, we'll announce a special offer during the hangout.

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Updated Pulse Sensors in the Maker Shed

The Pulse Sensor is a great way to incorporate biofeedback into your projects. This upgraded version adds amplification and noise reduction allowing for faster, more reliable heartbeat readings.

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